A/n~ This gonna be good

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Guess who back, that's right me! Well, today is your lucky day because i'm doing a little art contest! You see I need a cover for the second book. I tried drawing one but I don't like it (image shown above). So either you can draw your favorite scene from the book, or come up with your own design. Hell, you can redraw the cover I tried to do.

° The canvas size got to be 512x800 pixels
(It can be bigger but I will shrink down to fit the size, which might accidentally cut off some of your hard work!)

° To not run into any problems with the wording, try to place the title and rest of the info near the center. (Use the image above as reference) 

° To turn it in, your product needs to be posted anywhere online. You can post it on Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, Wattpad, ect. All have you have to do is message me on my profile with a link to it.

° The due date to turn in the covers will be August 9th and I will post the results in the first chapter of the second book on August 10th!!!

Now that's all I have for now, if you have questions don't be afraid to leave a comment or message me on my profile, love you all!!! 

With lots of love~

            The Author <3<3<3

The Sixth Element// Lloyd x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now