Chapter 16~ Giant Flaming Snakes

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I grumble in annoyance. I didn't want to go to school. However, I still gotten up. I went to my dresser and got out a dress.  'I know it's probably freezing outside, but I really want to dress nice again.'

I put on a f/c dress, 'I'll be adventurous and wear no tights or leggings.' I put on a grey long sleeved plush cardigan to go along with it and last but not least I put a black ankle strap with a round toe plain chunky pumps shoes. 'These babies are the most expensive thing I owned.' I remember that day, I would sneaked out of the orphanage to help people out for a certain price. After a couple of weeks I just had enough to buy these shoes.

I smile from the happy memory. The orphanage may have not the best thing that happened in my life, but I'm lying if I say I didn't even have a few good memories there. I grab my brush and put my hair into a braid.

I left my room and found my way to the kitchen. Pixal was making breakfast as Wu makes tea. I enter the kitchen.

"So what's for breakfast?" I asks.

"Pancakes with bacon on the side. Usually, Zane does the cooking but he's on the trip. My skills aren't as great compared to his, but I hope you enjoy it though." She places two plate on the counter. One for me and the other for Wu.

The pancakes were a nice golden- brown color, it made my mouth watered. I took a bite out of it being pleased. I hum in delight.

"I assume you're enjoying your meal." Pixal said with a chuckle. I nod my head in a fast speed.

Wu places a cup next to my plate. The aroma of lemon and honey made its way to my nose. I took a sip from the cup. The sweet taste of honey washes through me as the tangy flavor of lemon gave the tea its kick. I stuff my mouth with the food.

"Slow down, you'll choke." Wu said, taking a bite from his plate.

"Sorry, but it's sooo good. I just couldn't help myself." 

"Well if you're done then put your plate in the sink and go to school." He said, closing his eyes.

"Yeah about that, how am I going to get there? We kind of live on a mountain."

Wu thought for a moment. "Why don't you some your elemental dragon?"

I stayed silent not knowing if he was joking or not.

"...because I don't know how to..." I said questioningly. He opens his  eyes.

"Well that's too bad then. I guess you will walk." He got up and head to the door.

"Whoa, whoa, hold up. We are miles and miles away from. New Ninjago City. I can't walk that far. Can you please just take me."

Wu stops at the door. I was waiting anxiously for his reply. He strokes his long white beard in thought.

"Alright then, but only for the time being. This is a secret force, so I drop you off at the outskirts of the city."

"Thank you?" I wasn't if this is a good thing. Then again it's a city, it wouldn't take that long to travel one side to another, hopefully.

I enter the courtyard with my bag on my shoulders. Wu was already there waiting for me.

"Now pay attention very closely."

So I did, Wu began with a stance. He slowly waves his arms in the air. Golden sparks appear around as it swirls around him.

"Each elemental masters have this ability. All you need to do is to connect and be in sync with you elemental powers."

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