Chapter 8~ Hanging out

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*Ring* * Ring*

"You are dismissed, hope you have a great rest of the day." The teacher said. Everyone grabbed theirs, but I took a minute looking at my drawing before I grabbed my bag. I put the drawing in my bag and pulling out my phone.

"Come on y/n. Let's get moving." Nya shouted.

"Go on with the rest, I'll catch up." Nya nods and left the room. Turning my phone on, I went into my contacts.

Y/n: heeyy! Can you tell the caretakers I'm going to be a little late.

Amie: yeah sure, but why? 😳😳😳

Don't tell me

You got a hot date.


Caught me red handed 😜

Just kidding

Nya invited me to hang out after school

Amie: and you couldn't say no.

Fine but you better be back before curfew

Y/n: Thank you

See ya later

I exit the school and saw that the group was waiting for me around the school buses. I picked up my pace but soon fell. I land on my hands and knees, dropping my bag across from me. Reaching for it, somebody pinned my hand to the ground with their right foot. I hiss and looked up to face Taylor.

"What are you gonna do, cry? I guess, that fall was my fault. I'm so sorry y/n, I just didn't see you walking by as I stuck my foot out. Whoopsies." She put more weight on my hand. I yelled as the pain began to be too much. Everyone circled around us as a few snickered.

"You know what? Fuck you Taylor, why don't you stop being a huge bitch and maybe people will actually start liking you." I yelled. The students around us began to laugh. Taylor was piss and put ALL of her weight on my hand. I scream, trying yank my hand but fail. I stop struggling as I repeatedly took deep breaths. I smirked.

"Is that all you got. This is quite sad, because I truly believe you could of done something way worse, but you have chosen this." Taylor was beyond piss now. She reached down to pull my hair but was soon picked up, releasing my hand. Cole roughly threw her to the side. She stumbles a bit before regaining her balance. As she was about to walk up to him Jay stood in front of her.

Nya help me up and grabbed my things. "You better run along before we go and beat your fake ass." Nya said angrily. She glares at Taylor. Taylor scoffs in annoyance.

"Fine, whatever, have it your way." She smirks as she turned around. "-and y/n, my offer still stands. If I were you I would take it before something really bad happens." She hiss. I shook my head. The crowd soon disappear like nothing ever happened.

"How's your hand?" Jay ask. I rub my injured hand.

"Alright, the pain is already fading away, Taylor didn't really weigh that much. It'll be fine when I put it in some ice. Anyways, we should get going. "

"Yeah, but your hand, it's starting to bruise." Cole said.

"No buts, you wanted to hang and wd shall. Don't let Taylor ruin the mood."

"She's right you know. Taylor is always ruining things for us. Let's show her who boss and head to the karaoke." Nya said, supporting me. She was the first to start walking, I followed along. Lloyd shrugs and went by me. The rest sighed as they followed along.

We were at Laughy's Karaoke Club. Not happened since we were just relaxing and talking about our day. The food was great, the atmosphere was amazing, all of this is so nice. I never been this relax before. Usually, I'm nervous wreck. I don't know how, but the conversation changed on who's going to sing a song. Obviously, everyone was arguing on who should it be.

"Oh my- you know what I'll do it. I will go up on that stage and sing." I walk up to the stage already choosing a song.

"Do you even know how to sing?" Jay teasingly ask.

"No, but that doesn't matter since I'm gonna have fun doing it."

"What song did you chose?" Lloyd asked.

"You're about to see."

The music begins to play. The melody rings out throughout the whole place.

Everyone stared at me when I finished my song.

"So you can sing!?" Jay said surprise. "Well she's a whole lot better than Cole." Jay continued.

"Hey!" Cole shouted.

"With a voice like that I bet she can be famous." Kai said. I pull out my phone.

"Shit it's nearly 8. I need to start heading back." I said. I grab my school bag. Nya did the same thing as we headed to the back of the place. There was this black motorcycle with cool paint jobs.

"Is this really yours?"

"Yeah it is. I like to indulge myself here and there."

We got on the bike as be went through the crowded streets. It wasn't in no time that we reached the orphanage even though I was a little late.

"Thanks you Nya for the ride." I got off the bike and dust myself off.

"It's no problem see you at school tomorrow." Nya said as she turned right around back to the city. I turn to see the caretakers at the front door. 'Great, I'm in trouble now.' I walk inside the building ready to face my fate.

They slam the door, the loud sound making me flinch. Their angry expressions never changed.

"Y/n, you know what time it is?" One them asks.

"8:45? Look I know I'm late but-"

"There is no, buts- and what is that on your hand?"

Subconsciously, I hid my injured hand. The caretaker behind me grabs my hand forcibly making me hiss in pain.

"Where did you got this bruise from? Julie get an ice bag for her."

I stay silent, not wanting to talk anymore. This only made them even more angry.

"Oh I see how it is. Fine tomorrow you're going to school instead you'll run errands and do chores. I know that your roommate is leaving soon but you don't have to be misbehaving."

"Wait what?" The caretaker lets go of my hand. I stare at her confuse.
'She got to be lying, Amie would of told me.'  I shook my head is disbelief.

"Oh! S- she hasn't told you, yet."

Julie came back with an ice pack. I grab it and head towards my room. Hesitating before entering.

'That's future me problem.'  I enter the dark room. Seeing Amie was already in bed asleep. I changed out of my clothes and went to bed.  Instead I stare at my necklace. Even though it was dark the moon light coming from the window lit up the room.

"ꂠꂦꋊ'ꋖ ꅏꂦꌅꌅꐞ.... ꂑ'ꂵ ꌚꋖꂑ꒒꒒ ꍩꈼꌅꈼ"


And done! Finally, I can't wait for Saturday to come. I just want to get out of school already. But hey, it looks like y/n is about to be in a heap of trouble. I wonder, if you guys can tell what the last sentence says.

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