Chapter 25~ Making Choices

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Lloyd POV:

I was standing outside of the door contemplating if I should go in or not. It was 11 a.m. at night, the team just finish our patrol over the city.

When we got back Wu was waiting for us with Akita. Wu said, he needs to tell us something, that it had to do with Y/n.

I got so nervous and anxious when I heard her name. Ever since our fight, things been awkward.

I didn't wan to talk to her nor see her. Yet she pretends that the fight never happened. We haven't apologize to each other and I think it may be too late for that...

Wu said Y/n will come down with a terrible fever and need to keep an eye on her.

So team decided to do shifts. Guess who was doing the first shift.

'What am I so worried about? It's just Y/n and I... yeah just us.'

I summon my courage and open the door. She was sleeping quietly, her face was scrunch up. I could tell she wasn't doing so good. I sigh and sat on her bed.

I place my hand on her forehead. The radiating heat was nearly too much for my hand to handle.

Sweat roll down her face as she huff.  I listen to her soft whines, it made my stomach drop.

I grab the little towel that was on the nightstand. I wet it the towel with the cup of warm water, that was next to it.

I didn't understand why Wu didn't do it in the first place.

I begin to wipe the sweat from her face. I notice whenever my hand got close her whines increase and her face would of scrunch up more.

It made me feel even worse than I already did. Y/n skin was so pale and clammy. I run my fingers through her hair. It felt greasy and gross.

Which I didn't understand how? We all took a shower before going out for patrol.

I place the damp towel on her forehead. I step away from her and take my leave. I turn back to get one last look at her.

She lays still on the bed. The covers covering her body. Her soft whines getting even more softer until I didn't hear it at all.

I let out a sigh and left the room.

Y/n POV:

Everything was black. I couldn't see a thing. I tried calling out for help but nobody came. I was alone here.

I tried to stay afloat as this raging sea of darkness slowly consumes me. The water wasn't even entirely liquid it felt like I was swimming in a pool of goo. Sticky, icky goo that clung onto me. Trying to hold me place.

The goo mimicking a sea's waves. I wanted to leave but couldn't. It felt as if I been here forever. I don't know what's going on. I didn't know why I'm here.

I'm scared...

"Please somebody!"

I don't want to be hear...


A wave came crashing down on me. I scream with no prevail. I tried to move my arms and swim up however the goo hold me in place.

'Somebody help me...'

I open my eyes on what felt like forever. My body aches as I tired to look at my open door. It show me the courtyard and the dark grey sky. I pick myself up and stumble to the door. 

I feel incredibly weak and tired. It wasn't until I was outside I notice I was wearing different clothes. I was wearing my pajama pants and a tank top. 

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