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Lloyd pov:

I was at the monastery, taking a break from training. 

"I couldn't help but notice y/n was not at school today?" Kai said as fights a dummy.

"Did she said anything to you about not being at school when you dropped her off?" Zane asks Nya. He was practicing his aim with the bow. While Nya was working on her dodging.

"No she didn't say anything. We just said our goodbyes. " Nya said.

"Ugh, why didn't we ask for her number? This will be a lot easier if we did." Jay comment. He had a staff to practice his strikes.

"Easy, because we forgot." Cole added, who was just connecting to his elemental powers. Jay glares at him. I looked up in annoyance as I blow a raspberry. 'This is so frustrating, not knowing where she was. Y/n could been hurt and I wouldn't even know.' 

I stare at the setting sun. The sky was painted in various colors. I turn my head to the other side to face the barely visible moon.  

I walk in the living, where everyone was at. Just out of the shower, Pixal in the center in the room. Apparently, something had happened in Ninjago and the police want us to help them do a job. 'Better than sitting around.' 

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started. Recently, a girl ran away and the police are trying to search for her." Pixal turns around to face the wall behind her as she projected the next set of information. 

"The girl is y/n and-" 

"Y/N!!!???" We all yell in confusion, not believing our eyes. Pixal expression changed into a confused look.

"You know this girl?" Pixal asks. 

"Yeah we're like good friends with her." Cole said to clear things up for Pixal. 

"Oh!? Well like I was saying, she was last seen at the grocery store, helping the caretakers of the orphanage with some errands. Now since it's really late in the night, the police fear something bad may happen to her and ask you for your help." 

Everyone faces turns into a serious expression, including me. We nod all together knowing what to do.

"Does anybody sees her?" I ask everyone while riding my dragon. They all reply with a no. 

"WAIT! I think I see her! At the corner store." Kai shouts. He pointed frantically at a little store at the corner of the street. We landed across from the building in front of the store. We all look through the huge windows, scanning to see y/n. I was the most anxious since y/n doesn't look the type to this type of thing.

The image of y/n pop into my eye sight. My heart began to race. She was wearing a big jacket that covered most of her body and was wearing the shortest shorts. My face began to get hot. 

"Woah now lover boy, don't need to get excited now." Cole said. My face became ten times redder. The others laugh as I stay silent. We just lost our focus for a second. 

Just a second. 

"GET BACK HERE YOU TWO!!! DID ANYONE TAUGHT YOU TO NEVER STEAL." A man was outside the store, most likely the employee. He was shouting down two girls who was running away, laughing. 

"Stealing? Y/n would never-" Nya said nervously.

"Oh she just did." I said angrily.

"She's going to betray us. I just know it." Kai states.

The Sixth Element// Lloyd x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें