Chapter 26~ It's Too Late

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I turn the ignition on, the engine roaring loudly. I took the wheel and begin to sail to my set location.

In this adventure I'm alone. It wasn't that long ago that I was at the monastery, with everyone. I decide to investigate the mysterious island by myself.

So I stole the only boat that was at the docks. Hey on the bright side, I now know how to hot wire a vehicle!

"You're doing good Y/n. Keep on going in this direction and you will find it."

Amias put his hand on my shoulder. A cold sensation rushes through. I shiver at the touch.

This reaction made Amias pull his hand away. I ignore this and continue my path.

It wasn't long until the waves became violent. The sky was dark, thunder and lightning fill the sky. Rain began to pour down.

'It could be wors- HOLY SHIT!'

I immediately spin the wheel the other way to move away from a giant spike rock. It wasn't long until I realize that the water was fill with them.

The more I continue the worse the storm got. It was unbearable.


Lightning was now striking around me. I quickly spin the wheel trying to avoid it. My thoughts race, thinking this will be my last moments here. It wasn't long until lightning struck the boat. 

I hiss as the electricity came up from the wheel. All it was left was smoke coming up from it. 

"You need to stop the storm! Go out to the deck!"

I listen and went out. I clung onto the rails fearing if I let go I'll be swept out to sea.

"Now focus, channel your power like last time!"

I didn't close my eye this time. I push out the sounds and focus at the thunder and lightning.

My hand tingles as my power flows through me. Purple specs begin to fly around my hands, glowing a bright purple. I grin, staring at the dark sky. 

"Destroy it!"

It wasn't long until lightning try to strike. I prepare to defend my self as I brought my hands up. The purple energy blast through the lightning. 

It was like a chain reaction. The blast went up to the sky and silence the thunder. 

"In front of us!!"

In the boat's path was one those giant spike rocks. I blast a ball of energy at it, exploding the rock to bits. I smirk at my victory.

My power was growing incredible speeds and it's all thanks to Amias. I knew my greed will cost me but right now I don't care. 

The storm didn't gave up. For the straw of protecting the island, it summons a tidal wave. The biggest one I seen, well the only one.

I awe in shock, getting lost in it's blue color.

"What are you standing there for!? Destroy the wave before it's destroys us!"

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