Chapter 7: Make a Wish

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A lovely undated photo of Ms. Katherine before she was married, wore dark lipstick and a pin in her perfectly curled hair. Nicole held it a little longer than the others, glancing up at Michael, then back to the face in her hands. They shared features in a way that wasn't obvious, but their elegance, radiance, warm smiles and kind eyes told similar stories.

Michael: And this is Joseph

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Michael: And this is Joseph.

Nicole: Your father.

Michael: Yes. But we call him Joseph.

He was young here, probably around Michael's age. He looked sharp and cool, smiling and dapper in a full suit. His eyes were striking, enhanced by his sharp brow and strong jawline.

Nicole: You look just like him

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Nicole: You look just like him.

Michael: I know.

Michael took the picture back as they continued through the others. One of the most recent was a publicity shot for Michael's first feature film, "The Wiz." Fully costumed as The Scarecrow, he was jolly and boyish, holding gently to the waist of the film's lead, Dorthy.

Michael then explained his vision of covering all the walls in this room with these photos and hundreds more

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Michael then explained his vision of covering all the walls in this room with these photos and hundreds more. Creating a live album of all their friends, family members and loved ones to commemorate the Jackson milestones and to be shared for future generations. After completing the tour, Michael and Nicole walked back to the house.

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