Chapter 19

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I woke up to the worst feeling in the back of my head. I felt as if someone was repeatedly stabbing me in the brains. I guess that's what you get for staying up almost all night, overthinking everything in your life... or perhaps your death.

I walked out of my room and tried  walking down the stairs but it was obvious I was miserably failing, as I almost tripped three times. I got to the bottom of the stairs but once again my inability to do anything on my own kicked in, as I twisted my ankle and fell to the floor.

"Daina! Are you okay?!" I heard footsteps running towards me and I looked up to see Green orbs boring into my own eyes.

"No." I shook my head as Harry helped me up from the floor. I slouched against him and rested my head against his chest. He put his hand on the small of my back and looked down at me.

"Come on, lets get you something to eat. Then you'll be okay." He smiled as we walked, warming my heart.

I closed my eyes as we walked to the kitchen, into the boy's chatter. Everyone stopped talking when they saw me and Harry together. I could FEEL the awkwardness in the air. I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at us. Luckily, Louis got up and decided to help clear the tension.

"You okay D?" Louis asked me getting up and touching my shoulder. I smiled and nodded though even he could tell I was lying. The pain shot through my head again and I winced, Harry pulling me closer into his chest.

"I-im fine" I lied through clenched teeth. I moved my head from Harry's chest and I could feel everyone staring at me as I grabbed a waffle off the island and a glass of orange juice. I sat down next to Niall and he took one of my hands and kissed it. I smiled at him and started eating, a million thoughts running through my head. Was this because of it? Because of the cancer? It hadnt effected me till now, would it start now? Would I have to tell everyone? I couldnt do that! But I knew I had to sometime. I looked at Harry and tried smiling. He stared into my eyes and smiled back at me. Liam got up and walked over to the toaster, popping a bread in. I stared at him, noting all of his movements.

He seemed sad and I knew he was hurt by me and Harry. Well not that there was a me and Harry? Was there? I looked at harry and he was staring at me with a curious look in his eyes. Maybe the same thoughts were running through his head. I shook my head and decided to think about this later. I really wanted a me and Harry but more than that, I really wanted a me to stay alive.

I got up and walked out of the kitchen. Low chatter started in the kitchen and I felt a chill go up my spine. When did things get awkward between me and the boys?


"I cant believe it" Zoey snifled through the phone. I hadnt planned on telling her but I did. I never kept anything from her. Never.

"I know." I sighed quietly. I laid my head against my dressing table and tried taking deep breaths. This was harder than I thought it would be.

"Where are the boys now?" She asked me curiously. I could hear her sniffling through the phone, but I could also tell she was trying really hard to contain herself.

"Um, I'm pretty sure they had some kind of interview or something." I replied, unsure of my answer. I was just really glad that the boys were out.  I hadn't spoken to my best friends in days... or maybe even weeks- I couldn't tell anymore- and at this point I really needed her.

"Well ... Daina, I miss you babe! Im so sorry! Everything is gonna be okay! I promise you!" Zoey started sobbing again! That did it. I burst into tears before I knew it.

"Yeah right!" I said wiping my eyes as roughly as I could. I hated when people told me it would be alright, when they and I both knew, it most probably wouldn't. Zoey told me it would be alright the night I was driving to the hospital for my parents... look how that turned out.

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