Chapter 21

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"Today's the day." Uncle John sang out as I entered the kitchen early morning.

"Well technically tomorrow's the day... I just have to get admitted today."

"Yeah yeah." He groaned before getting up from the island and motioning for me to sit.

"So what will you have? Better have a large breakfast considering this is the only meal you'll be eating all day today and then tomorrow you're having surgery." Uncle John explained the situation which I already knew by heart to me, but I let it slide... he was just nervous. Probably more than me.

"Umm... I'll have pancakes. Haven't had those in a while." I responded.

He nodded and got to work. I looked down at the kitchen counter, contemplating... thinking... did I want maple syrup or strawberry syrup?

"Today's the day!" Harry walked in, singing. Not this again. He walked to me and planted a huge, sloppy kiss on my cheek. Ew... but I loved it.

"Actually... tomorrow's the day..." I started but was cut off when he pushed his lips against mine.

"None of your pessimistic crap please." He pulled away and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and gave him a little huff before turning back around to face Uncle John.

"Are you ready for today D?" Harry asked as he took a seat next to me and grabbed my hand, kissing it.

"Yeah, I mean.. all I have to do is sleep through it. How hard can that be huh?" I tried at a miserable attempt at a joke. It was bad but Harry still laughed. This is why he was the sweetest.

"Well I mean... emotionally, you know?" He asked, his expression going serious again.

"U-um yeah.. I mean, I guess I'm a little scared. But it'll be alright, right?" I looked at him in the eyes, letting my guard drop for one second. This was Harry... I could do that with him.

He squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile. "Yeah babe, it will. And I'll be there the whole time."

"I know you will."


"Daina Jackson?" A nurse walked into my room.


"It's time. We're going to wheel you into the OR now and then put you under the influence of anesthesia and then the surgery will begin."

"Right. How long will it be."

"There's no guarantee. But most probably around 12 hours."

"Oh okay.. right... and um... the doctors wont fall asleep?"

"No honey... they won't fall asleep... you just make sure to stay asleep."

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