Chapter 9

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"Morning" I walked into the kitchen with a heavy head the next morning. The thing with me getting drunk was- the next morning was bad but not as bad as it was for other people... that didn't mean that I didnt still look like road kill.  I still wore the same clothes from the night before and when I looked up, I smiled seeing that everyone else looked exactly like i did- hungover and pretty unattractive. 

"Stop talking already!" Zayn complained. I made a face at his crankiness and when I looked over at Liam he just shrugged and gave me a small smile. He looked the best out of all of us with nothing but shuffled hair and beer stains on his shirt. 

"Morning." He whispered back and tried making space for me at the table. He didn't manage to do much so I had to squeeze into him as we sat down together. I looked across the table to see Harry watching us intensely. 

"Hi?" I asked, wondering why he was staring at the two of us as if he was trying to figure something out. Was something wrong?

"hi." He dropped his gaze and mumbled. Louis walked in looking as fresh as if he had never gotten drunk last night. But even with my terrible memory of the previous night, I knew he had gotten the most drunk out of us all. 

"Hello boys. We have a meeting with the management today. And, sorry Daina, youre not coming with us." He teased. I smiled in return, unfazed by the attempt. I was fine with that.

"Why not?" Liam asked, frowning. I was surprised to see him ask that since I hardly ever went to their meetings with them... almost never. How did it matter if I was left alone for 2 hours at home. This would have been the perfect time for me to go to work but unfortunately, I still hadnt gotten a lead on any job openings, so I was stuck at home for now. 

"The board said so." Louis shrugged, sitting down next to a sleeping Niall.

Liam nodded but I could tell he was stiff. I raised my eyebrows at him and he just smiled blushing a little. His expression gave me an odd feeling, like the one you get when you look across the room and find someone staring at you and it continues happening on numerous occasions and you cant help wondering whether... whether that person is interested in you.  I looked away and started staring at Harry, who was very focused on his cereal. I looked at the way his soft hair fell across his cheeks, how his eyes pierced whatever object they were focused on, the way his lips moved when he talked or smiled....

"Daina!" someone snapped, pulling me out of my wonderous day dream. It was Niall. I looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at me... including Harry. Oh dear Lord... my cheeks heated up in embarassment. How long had I been staring at him, making up commercial lines for his facial features. 

"Sorry... I was thinking about my old friends." I lied, giving them a small smile. Harry nodded and got back to staring at his cereal. For a second, it looked like his face fell but then I remebered I was one to always make up false assumptions that eventually only hurt noone but me. I realized it was time for me to talk to him and clear up things between us. There was no denying I felt something towards him and I didn't want things to remain awkward between us. If i wanted a relationship with him, whatever kind, I would have to learn to become his friend. 

I gathered up my dishes and put them in the sink before leaving the kitchen. The moment I closed the swinging doors behind me and turned around, I bumped into someone, causing a great deal of hair to come onto my face. 

"Oopsie!" I looked up to see a girl, probably 2 inches taller than me with blondish hair with and brown and black roots, and smudged makeup, wearing hardly any clothes. She seized up my appearance before smiling bitterly at me.

"Have you seen Harry?" She started. "I was with him last night." She stated before smirking. 

"Fiona!" Harry came out and saw her but stopped for a minute when he noticed me there as well. He quickly resumed and walked towards the girl- Fiona, leading her back up the stairs, looking over his shoulder at me with an unreadable expression.

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