Chapter 8

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"Good morning Daina." I opened my eyes, to awaken to the sight of Uncle John standing at the foot of my bed, staring down at me. 

"Hi.." I started before trailing off, too sleepy to say anything.

"Daina. I think we should talk about you going off to that school in New York. Your application here says you want to take an year's break before going there for the following year." He started, holding up my application. 

"Yeah.... I do." I croaked, rubbing my eyes. Why was he going off about this so early in the morning.  I was unlucky enough to have been cursed with a family that consisted of people who were all morning people. 

"Okay well then I guess you have one year to do anything. Please make that something productive." He sat down on the end of my bed and went through my letter of application again.

"Uh yeah... I was thinking about getting a job maybe. Part time only though." I strung a complete sentence together. Now that he had woken me up and started this conversation, I might as well be a part of it completely. I sat up and propped my pillows, making them more comfortable to lean back on. 

"Thats a really good idea! It'll give you something to do in the day while the boys and I are gone." He smiled. I nodded at him in agreement. I had forgotten about that aspect of my idea but it did make sense.

"GOOD MORNING." Zayn entered my room, throwing my door open in a very dramatic way. before jumping on the bed next to me and burrying his head into the covers.

"Daina..." Louis started coming into my room from across the hall. "PLEASE let's go shopping! Your wardrobe might be "good" for NYC but honey, it is not good enough for London. You're clothes, they're like the rags I would use for cleaning the toilet.... if I cleaned."  

In a way I was completely offended but I guess, he was right. "Alright Louis, if that will make you stop insisting every single day."

"Deal!" He laughed and once again, a heavy man jumped onto my bed, and landed, of course, right on top of me.


"Come on you seriously have to get that top! You look so good in it, even the sales person said so!." Louis kept nagging on to me in Forever 21.

"Louis, ofcourse the sales person said that, it's her job to sell that shirt to me! Plus,  can you see the price on that thing. I'm saving for Music School, remember?." I said bluntly. I really was trying to save money for music school and this shirt probably cost half of it.

"FINE. I'll pay for it." He said and grabbed the shirt from the dressing room door before I could say anything and walked at an unhumanly pace to the counter.

"Louis! No way are you paying for that." I tried catching up to him and pulling my shirt down completly over me but I was too late.

"Here you go. I want to see you in that shirt tomorrow!" He exclaimed. "Oh and right now I want you to buy that dress or I'm buying it for you." He pointed to a pink short dress that came up to midthigh and was strapless and shiny at the end.

"Ugh. Okay." I gave in. I didnt want Louis to buy me another over expensive thing for no reason.

"Good, you're a working progress."


"I cant believe we were gone for 5 hours." I said as we tried and failed miserably to clim the bazziilion stairs in front of the house. I was exhausted after walking for 5 hours straight in the damn mall. 

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