Chapter 16

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"What did she say?" Louis jumped up from his seat in the kitchen as soon as Niall entered, before realizing I was right behind him.

"I said okay." I wink at him and go straight towards the fridge to get something to munch on.  

"Wow Daina, jeez. What would we do without you?" Louis laughed and literally threw himself onto me, crushing me in one of his bear hugs.

"I don't even know!" I giggled and tried pushing him away but obviously failed to do so. For such a scrawny guy, Louis really was strong. "Louis get off of me, we're not ACTUALLY dating."

"You could be." He pulled back and winked at me.

"Ew." I wrinkled my nose in disgust and then realized what I had just said. "No offence Niall, I love you." I quickly added, earning laughs all around the room.

"Where's Uncle John?" I asked as I took a seat next to Harry at the kitchen island. He turned to give me a smile as he pushed his bag of chips towards me. I shook my head and raised my apple to indicate I was good. His smile widened as he looked away.

"He's out at some other meeting for some other artist." someone replied but I was too busy still looking at Harry and the way his hair fell over his forehead, perfectly, while his head was bent.

He must have felt eyes on him because Harry looked up and his eyes locked with mine. It felt as if his eyes were drawing me into him as I felt myself not physically but spiritually get up and move toward him. What a weird feeling... feeling like someone held you in such a strong trance that you felt compelled toward them.

Someone cleared their throat in the background, snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked behind me, quickly, trying to cover up what was just happening, but it was too late. I noticed all the boys looking at us, expect one. Liam, who was actually the one to clear his throat, was gathering his things, ready to leave the room.

Oh my God, Liam. Was what Niall said really true?

I guess it was.

How had I never noticed before?



I hadnt gotten a chance to read those hospital papers yet, but I was going to. Thats what I was thinking when Daina walked in that blue hoodie I love so much and black tights. She took a seat next to me. I think we stared at each other for eternity. It felt so hypnotizing. Like her eyes were reading into my soul. I was falling, it was so deep and I was falling. Falling in love with her.



"What do you guys want to do the rest of the day. I mean technically the day just started but with the meeting and everything it feels as if this day has been dragging on forever..." Louis spoke up before Liam could leave the kitchen.

"Um... can we just rent a movie and get some really bad food and just you know stay home... binge eating and binge watching." I suggested, causing all of the boys' faces to light up.

"You like doing that too?" Zayn asked excitedly. Frankly, he looked like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Yes... That's basically all I do."

"You were always meant to be one of us." Niall exclaimed and pumped his fist in the air, causing us all to chuckle.

"Can we watch Toy Story!" Liam exclaimed from behind us all. Everyone was surprised at his sudden mood change but I was just happy that he was finally lightening up again.

"Nooo Liam, don't do this to us again! We've seen that movie like 8 times. I know all the words by now!" Zayn whined and slammed his hands on the kitchen table.

"Zayn don't damage the furniture." I started to scold and he looked at me with a sad expression, causing me to instantly shut up. He was just too cute.

"Zaynnn please..." Liam started to pout but when he saw the expression the rest of the boys had, in agreement to Zayn, he stopped and sighed, shaking his head. "Okay. Fine. You guys pick then."

"Okay good. How about we head to the store together and everyone gets to pick two movies of their choice and then we all get together and vote. Sound good?" I asked and the boys nodded. "Oh and Liam, you can't pick Toy Story." I added before getting up and throwing my apple core into the garbage. Instantly, a pout appeared onto Liam's face, causing me to giggle. These boys....



I went into my room, waiting for Louis to finish using the washroom, so I could get ready. I had a movie date with Daina.. and so did the boys.

I walked over to my dresser, to get out a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt when I saw them. The papers. I turned to leave before I was too tempted but it was already too late. There was no holding back now. I quickly reached out and grabbed the papers. It was time.



I grabbed a pair of black tights and a shirt I had once stolen from my dad that I had always loved on him. I looked down at the shirt before pulling it to my face and sniffing it. No matter what I did, the smell of my dad's cologne never left it. And I couldn't be more thankful for that. Smelling the familiar scent, made my heart hurt but I couldn't be sad that I had this one precious thing to always hold close to me. I smiled into the shirt before pulling it over my head.

I grabbed my hair brush and yanked it through my hair to get rid of the tangles. I hated how thin my hair was. It being thin, made it so much easier for tangles to form. Giving up, I throw my hairbrush back onto the dresser and instead put slap on some makeup. I'm putting away my makeup bag when it hits me. The papers. How could I have forgotten?! Where were the freaking papers?



I flip the last page over, before realizing there isn't any more. I stand there, unable to move, holding these cursed things in my hands for what seems like forever, before throwing the papers back onto my bed and kicking my nightstand, knocking every item on it over.

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