R U L E 24

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"And you knew." He said yelling around his office for the third time. I was sitting on the sofa just about as relaxed as I could be.

"Yes I did."

"Okay I'm dropping the issue. How should we deal with this?" He asked.

"You're actually asking for my opinion?" I asked confused.

"Yes. You own as much as I do. What do you think?" He asked leaning against my desk.

"I'm not in any danger so don't take it serious, don't answer I can always get a new number and stuff."

"Okay. I guess we'll do that. Problem solved." So that was it? I looked at his face and he only gave me a small content smile. I knew he wanted to blow and he was fighting it hard.

"I guess we can tighten up security."

"Great idea!" He said grabbing his phone. "You're so smart."

"Whatever James. I'm exhausted." I said getting up to go to bed.

"You just got up three hours ago."

"Okay and? Dealing with you I've become exhausted." I did have to admit this fatigue really had me annoyed cause every five minutes I was falling asleep.

"See this is what I was talking about. You genuinely look tired Tanya but it's almost two in the afternoon. I think we're going to go the the hospital."

"No James I'm fine. I'm just sleepy maybe it's all the stress I've been dealing with I just really want to relax." He studied me closely.

"Okay. Let's go take a nap."

"Together? I want the bed to myself."

"Not if I can help it."

"Yeah okay whatever." I said heading to our room. Suddenly I got really nauseous and the urge to throw up because overbearing. So I did what I could to make it to the toilet just in time to let out lunch.

How great.

James came in shortly after and rubbed my back moving my hair to the side.

"I don't want you to see me like this."

"Even when you're puking your guts out you look gorgeous." I didn't have time to scoff because another wave was coming. "We're going to the hospital. This time you can't argue with that." I nodded slowly.

I drank the nasty water that they gave us.

"So a little bit of morning sickness you are a little dehydrated but get you a Gatorade and you'll be fine." I nodded then stopped.

"Morning sickness?"

"Yes you're almost ten weeks." My jaw dropped.

"What?" James intervened.

"You're pregnant." If I was standing I would've fell. "Oh jeez you didn't know."

The ride was quiet. James held my hand.

"If you want to abort it, I mean I can't tell you what to do with your body but if you don't want to keep it."

"You don't want it?" I asked my eyes filling with tears almost immediately.

"No! I do want it. But considering you're carrying I just thought if I made it understood that your a-"

"Shut up I'm keeping it dickhead." Don't get me wrong I support abortion but there was no need to abort a baby seeing as we were in a place to raise a kid. Kinda.

"Um okay. I don't think we should tell anyone yet. I can't let our enemies know."

"Okay that's fine." I sighed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Confused." I said honestly.

"I promise we will not have a kid in this war. This only pushes to work quicker."


"We can do this. We're going to be parents."

"Yes." I said.

"I love you Tanya."

"I love you too James." I said.


"Okay call Corey invite them over to dinner." I said sleepily to James. "As well as Lasandra too. I'm not gonna tell them but we have to discuss that's been going on and how we need to solve this fast."

"Whatever you want babe." He said getting on his phone immediately. "Your phone should be here shortly." He whispered.

"Okay." I yawned.

Okay y'all imma cut it short here cause I want to give y'all a sneak peek into Corey and Eva's story that I've been working on. Teehee hope you enjoy.

My gun pointed out in front of me as I went to where I heard the gunshots.

A man stood over Corey about to kill him but I shot first. The man fell to the ground lifeless as I stood in shock. The shock wore off as I looked down at Corey who was bleeding.

"Shit shit shit." I muttered.

"I'm fine just sit me up." He said.

"You got shot you're not okay." I said helping him up. He got himself up off the ground and started to walk. Rio appeared in seconds.

"Get the truck ready. We're going to the evacuation location." He gritted out.


"Just do it!" He yelled Rio straightened himself out and went. I looked sadly at Rio and turned back to Corey to see him limping towards the room. I followed him.

"What are you doing? We need to get to-"

"Don't dare say a hospital." I closed my mouth as he went into the bathroom. He fumbled with the first aid kit before I helped him.

"Sit there." I said helping him on to the toilet.

There I stitched him up and dressed his wounds. Then I was done I put everything back. I turned away to wash my hands and when I turned back Corey was right behind me. His wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed me against the wall. I exposed my neck to him as a sign of submission.

"When I say stay inside the bunker you do it, do you understand?" He asked. I nodded slowly. "This is your problem now, you're so hard headed and sometimes it's cute but not when it involves your life. In these situations if I tell you to do something you do it. No matter what do you understand?" Yes daddy- woah where the fuck did that come from? His grip tightened around my neck reminding me that this was still happening.

"Yes." I said sharply.

"Good." He said before letting go and exiting the bathroom. I watched his shoulder muscles tense and relax as I went through the emotions I just experienced. I had never really experienced sexual attraction but I guess this is what that felt like. My heart raced my hands felt clammy and my core, oh my core. She was pulsing.

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