R U L E 18

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I woke up to an empty and cold bed beside me.

Well that's a first.

Wait where would she go? Did she leave? My mind immediately went to the worst case scenario.

"Fuck!" I shouted getting up. I should've kept a closer eye on her. You can't trust anyone out here. I was so stupid to think that she was innocent, all she needed was the money. I went downstairs ready to track her down. What I saw was quite the opposite.

She was in the kitchen, making breakfast. I relaxed a bit and she turned around and jumped in fright making her shatter the plate she had in her hand.

"I'm so sorry. I'll clean it up right now." She said in a panic and got on her knees to clean up the porcelain shards.

"Eva, it's okay I got it." I said getting the broom.

"No it's my fault I have to clean it up." She said

"You're going to hurt," I looked down at her hands that where filled with shards and starting to bleed. "yourself." I finished. I put down the broom and nudged her over to the trash can. She put it in the trash and I grabbed her hands examining them. Only two small cuts, she would be okay. "That was stupid of you to pick up stuff that sharp, you should use that brain of yours before you act." She stayed quiet as I led her over to the sink so she could rinse off her hands. While she was doing that I swept up the mess and used a piece of bread to get any smaller shards. I would be sure to tell the maids to clean well when we left.

"I made you breakfast." She said referencing to the dining table filled with pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fruit.

"I'm not hungry." I shrugged off. I wasn't really a breakfast type of person, plus I didn't cook so I ate out most of the time. I tried to move so I could go back upstairs but Eva blocked me from doing so.

"Get a plate and start eating." She said. I looked down at her, her small little nose wrinkled up, a determined look in her eyes. How cute.

"Fine. You win." I said grabbing a plate for her and I.

"Great. This is my way of apologizing." She said pushing me to the table. She took a plate from me and filled it with food.
It did look kind of good.

"Here." She said handing me the plate. I frowned. All this food for me? She needed it more than I did.

"I don't think I can eat all of this."

"Never underestimate the power of a stomach." She chuckled before filling her own plate too, she dug right in and I followed behind her.


I watched him eat the last strip of bacon and chuckled to myself. I got up and grabbed his plate along with mine.

"I'll have the maids clean it when we leave." I raised an eyebrow whilst putting things into the sink.


"You need clothes. I don't mind you wearing my shirts but I think it would be inappropriate to wear it out in the public." I rolled my eyes. Cheeky bastard.

"Well what am I supposed to wear going out?" I asked.

"I had my assistant buy you something to start out with. It should be he-" the doorbell rang and he nodded. "Go get it." He said referencing to the door. I skipped my way to the door before opening it. A beautiful blonde stood there her smile fading as she studied me.

"Hm. Where's Corey?" She asked.

"In the-" she pushed pass me and walked into the house. I followed behind her. How rude.

"Oh there you are Corey, I was worried that the homeless person that opened your door had killed you." She said dramatically falling into his arms. I went into defense mode and crossed my arms.

"That's Evangeline, the person I told you to buy the outfit for, Evangeline meet Katya, Katya meet Evangeline." He said introducing us. She gave me a dirty look before turning to Corey again. I stood there quietly as they conversed, can I please get my clothes.

"Oh yeah here's your stuff." She said handing me a few things.

"Thank you." I whispered and went upstairs. Ace following behind me. "Can you believe that woman? I mean I know I'm not special but I don't deserve to be treated like that." I mumbled to him as I entered my room.

"Do you like her?" Ace whines and I took that as a no. "Hm, well I'm going to take a shower be good." I said going into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.

The guest rooms had a small hotel set up to them, complimentary soap, lotion, and other toiletries that I appreciated. The towels were nice and plush and the shower head gave nice water pressure. I haven't felt this alive since, ever.

I stepped out of the shower after washing my body and realized I left my clothes in the main area of my bedroom. I wrapped my towel around and opened the door.

My eyes immediately met with Corey's who had just seemed to enter the room.

"Oh um sorry I just came to get my-"

"No it's fine. I just need to get my clothes." I said rushing to get the outfit that Katya had put together. I rushed back into the bathroom and closed the door leaning on it. How awkward. I slipped on the clothes and gave myself a smile in the mirror.

"Bonita mujer." I whispered before walking out.


"You're taking me shopping?" I asked. I had no money as of right now so what was I gonna do?

"Yes. You'll be moving in soon so you need an adequate wardrobe. However I have things to do so I'll leave you with my bodyguard." Bodyguard? Suddenly a large man appeared and I shrank.

"I'm Rio." He said his hand out. I shook it firmly before feeling my face heat up.

"She has the card, whatever she wants." He mumbled to Rio. "I'll see you this evening, get whatever you want. It's on me." He said handing me a matte gold card. What the hell?

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