Chapter 20 The End

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Five months later

You awake in the middle of the night. You feel a pain in your stomach. This is it. You begin to shake Mark awake, "Mark. Mark get up." His eyes barely open, "yea?" he says sleepily. "Mark, it's time," he goes wide eyed. He jumps out of bed, "seriously?!" You nod and laugh at him.

He helps you out of the bed then runs all over the house trying to collect things. "Mark, the doctor said to wait for a while. We don't have to leave right now," you yelled to him wherever he's at. He comes back up the stairs and puts his hands on your shoulders, "are you sure." You nod and laugh at him again.

After a couple hours, contractions started picking up. They were still pretty far apart and not incredibly painful, yet. You had woke Mark up at 3 in the morning. Now it's 7 and he's been awake with you ever since then.

You get up to go upstairs and get some clothes when you feel a warm liquid seem down your leg. You stop in your tracks, "Mark!" You call. Within three seconds he's by your side, "what happened." "My water broke," you tell him. "Is it time to go yet?" He asks. You nod as he begins helping you down the stairs and into the car. He's already loaded up your hospital bag.

You arrive at the hospital and get to your room. Nurses have been in the room every few minutes. After one left Mark took your hand, "anything you need, tell me and I'll get it." "Thanks Mark," you squeeze his hand as another contraction hit.

At 11 that night, she was officially here. She was so beautiful. Mark was the first to hold her. Tears poured down his face as the doctor handed her to him. He took a picture with her and posted it on his social media.

"Sorry, (f/n), you aren't the only girl in my life anymore," he smiles at you. "I'm love you so much. I'm gonna be so good to you that no man will ever be good enough for you," he whispers to her.

He looks so natural holding her. He's going to be so good to her. "She looks just like you," he says looking down at you. The blush find its way to your face, "Mark you're the best dad," he grins. "I haven't done anything. You're the only one who's actually done anything up until now."

You've had many visitors in the past few hours. Mark's family flew in and they love her. His mom was holding her when she asked, "what's her name?" You looked up at Mark, "Willow," he says. He had come up with the name. He wanted a name that had special meaning.

A month later

Nothing could be better. Willow is beautiful. Her and Mark are the absolute best things that have ever happened to you.

Mark is always so happy. His face is always expressing so much love and happiness. "(F/n), I love you. I love this family you've given me. I couldn't ask for anything to be any better. This is perfect," he kisses you.

Willow is in her crib taking a nap. You've had so many visitors to come see her. You love showing her off. She's just so amazing. "Our daughter is so beautiful. You know (f/n), I never describe anything using the word beautiful besides you and now her. Nothing is anywhere as beautiful as you two are. You are the stars in my sky, the sun to my world, the leaves to my tree. I love you."

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