Chapter 18 It's Official

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After three weeks, you decided you couldn't wait any longer. You needed to know. You went to the store and bought a test. You hadn't told Mark what you were doing. He was recording a video when you told him you were going to the store.

When you returned, Mark was still in his recording room. You got the small box out and went to he bathroom.

After he longest two minutes of your life went by, you looked at it. A smile lot up across your face. The small plus sign showed you the you and Mark were having a baby. "Mark!" you yelled. "Hold on a minute," he responded. "Mark, you're gonna want to see this. Like now." You heard him come out of the recording room, "where are you?"

"I'm in the bathroom," you called. He opened the door, "what is it?" You handed him the small stick and the instructions paper, pointing out the key. It took him a second but then recognition spread across his face, "are you serious?" He smiles. You rush over and kiss him. "Oh my god. This is really happening," he's in shock, a good shock though.

You scheduled an appointment with the OB/GYN for the following week. Mark cleared his entire schedule so he could be there.

After going in, you were hit with the realization that all the pregnant women in the waiting room are you. That'll be you in just a few months.

The doctor calls you back, you tell him you took an at home pregnancy test at three weeks and it came out positive. He did the examination, then gave you the news. "I'm afraid you've had a false positive. These can be caused by different hormone levels," you were shocked. "Is it like a miscarriage," Mark asks. "No a miscarriage is where you lose the baby, in a false positive there never was a baby," the doctor replies, "you seem to be completely healthy though so if you want to you can still keep trying for a baby. I see no reason to not conceive completely naturally." That's really uplifting.

You and Mark decided to try again.

After another month, you scheduled another appointment. This time, the doctor confirmed you were pregnant. You and Mark were ecstatic.

You both agreed to wait a few weeks before telling anyone. You wanted to get past the risky time then announce it.

At your eight week point, you decided to call your parents. You called yours first, then Mark's mom. They were all so happy. You called your sister and Tom and told them. At this point they already had a child. She started explaining all the things we needed to get after about a half an hour you told her you had to go.

Mark decided to make a video and announce it to all his fans. At this point, all his fans love you. They're past all the jealousy and anger and now they're just happy.

He wanted you in the video with him. He started recording.

"Hey everybody my names Markiplier and I have a really big announcement to make," he intertwines his fingers with yours, "in seven months there's gonna be a little babyplier! Me and (f/n) are both so thrilled to take on this new adventure. Everyone wish her luck dealing with two of me all the time." He talks for a few more minutes then wraps up the episode, "as always, I will see you in the next video. Bye bye!" He pressed the upload button. It's official.

"I still can't believe it," he looks into your eyes and places a hand on your stomach, "there's a little baby in there. And it's all ours."

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