Chapter 6 Double Trouble

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It's been about a month since your sister's wedding. You've seen Mark almost everyday since your first date to the Hollywood sign. You haven't told anyone about him specifically, you told your sister that you're kind of seeing someone but it isn't official yet.

She keeps pestering to know more though. You almost feel bad not telling her, considering it's her brother-in-law, but you want to wait until you and him can sit down and talk and put a label on your relationship.

He had asked if you could come to his apartment at noon, of course you said you would. You got ready and got in your car to head over there.

When he opened his front door, he greeted you with a quick peck. You sat side by side on the couch, he looked a little suspicious. "Mark, is something wrong?" you questioned his tension.

"Wrong, no. I have a question though," he looked into your eyes, his resembling puppy eyes. Is this the official question? Is this the question you've been waiting for?

"Well, I haven't told anyone about us. I don't know if you have or not," you shake your head no, "I think it's time we tell people." you grin, knowing exactly what he's meaning. "How were you planning to do that?" you ask. "I was thinking about a double date. Me, you, your sister and my brother."

That actually sounds really fun. If your sister tries to embarrass you, you can instantly get revenge. "That sounds amazing. When?" "I was thinking tonight. I already planned everything. All you have to do is show up," he's such a sneaky bastard. A sweet sneaky bastard though.

You spent the rest of the day at Mark's house. That night he got ready for the double date, then you drove both of you back to your house so you could get ready. Mark refused to tell you where he was taking you, so you didn't exactly know how to dress. "Mark, if you don't tell me, I won't know what to wear," you whined. "Then let me pick something out," he said walking over to your closet.

A few minutes later he pulls out a shortish maroon colored dress. (Picture on the first page) You almost forgot that you owned that dress. It was beautiful. "I really like this one. I bet it looks great on you," he states. You walk over to him and take the dress, "okay now get out, I've got to change." "Ahh darn, I wanna stay for that," he says playfully, making you both laugh.

Mark goes and stands out in the hall while you change, "hey Mark can you come help me with this zipper." He comes in, covering his eyes, "Mark it's okay I just need you to zip me up." He looks at you, "wow, you're stunning," he slowly zips the zipper, moving your hair out of the way. "You're one to talk, you're so handsome," he does look better than you in all actuality.

He leads you out of your house and opens your door for you. He drives your car to the restaurant, where you meet your sister and Tom in front. "(F/n), you never told me you were dating my brother-in-law!" she whispers. She's obviously surprised. There was no possible way she could've expected this. She's not angry though, so that's good. "Hush, (s/n), we aren't dating officially yet."

"You mean to tell me he still hasn't-" you cut her off, seeing Mark look over at you two. "No he hasn't. So hush. Don't say anything about it. Okay?" She nods, your hand over her mouth. "Let's go inside, shall we," Mark says motioning toward the door.

After you're seated and have your orders all in, Mark cuts off the small talk. "(F/n), there's something I've been meaning to ask you," he says loud enough for (s/n) and Tom to hear. "We've been together for a whole month now, but it hasn't been anything serious. I want to change that. Will you officially be my girlfriend?" You take ahold of his hand, "of course, Mark." He puts his arms around you. It may not be an appropriate place for a hug but it is a good time.

After dinner, you decide to just go back to Mark's place. Without thinking anything through, when you get there you realize that you don't have clothes over there. "Hey, Mark, can I wear something of yours. I didn't realize that I have no clothes over here," you say hitting yourself on the head. "Yea, just go get something out of the closet or dresser. It doesn't matter what, but I doubt any of my pants will fit you so I don't know what to do about that." "I'll figure it out."

You look through his closet, finding a lot of shirts with pink mustaches on them. What are these? You pick out a black t-shirt with a white, pixelated M on it with a pink mustache in front of it. You look at his pants, knowing none would fit you. You look in his pajama pants drawer, nothing with a draw string to make them fit. Last resort time, the boxers. They have elastic waist bands so they'll actually fit.

"Mark, can you come help me with the zipper," you call. You hear him come up the stairs, and the door opens. He slowly unzips your dress, moving your hair out of the way once again. You hold the dress to you by the chest as you turn around, "thank you." He smiles and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. He is such a gentleman.

You slide into his clothes. They're so comfortable. Already soft from being worn and washed. His scent covering it. Every breath is filled with the sweet fragrance. You walk down the stairs, he glances up at you then quickly looks down at the ground. "Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes, I wasn't exactly planning on staying here," you smile at him even though he's still looking at the floor, "you okay?"

"Yeah. Fine," he slowly looks up at you with red cheeks, "are those my..." he trails off. You know exactly what he's talking about. "Yes. Sorry, none of your pants would fit me. I can go look again," you offer but he shakes his head. "No. It's just... they're... they're pretty short," he looks at you. "Well they're your boxers, so that's your fault," you smile at him and walk over to take a seat next to him on the couch.

He pops in a movie. You don't even care what it is. You're here with him. That's all that matters. You cuddle up to him, laying your head on his chest over his heart. You can hear the steady pulse as you slowly drift off into a sea of dreams.

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