Chapter 17 Is It The End

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Mark turns the page of the book. It's blank. You look at his face, he's obviously confused. "Is that the end?"

"It's never the end. Ours is an ongoing story. Those are just the memories we have made. These," you flip through the blank pages, "are the ones yet to be made."

"We haven't really discussed our future. We used to, like before we even got married, but now we don't," "then let's talk. What do you want in our future? Near, far, anything."

He thought for a few seconds, "I'm not sure exactly what you want, but I do know what I want so I'll be completely open about it. I really do want a family. It doesn't matter if it's soon or years away, but eventually I'd love to have this little person to hold and call my own."

You were never sure of the whole children thing. You weren't very good with children. The idea of birth was absolutely terrifying. Sure, it was the miracle of life and it was suppose to be beautiful, but it seems like excruciating pain. You've always been on the fence about it. He has a point, you also wanted a tiny person to call your own. Especially one that is a mixture of you and Mark.

He saw that you were thinking, "if you don't want to, I understand. That's just my thoughts on the idea." You shake your head, "no, it's just that I really don't know. I'm horrible with kids and it'll completely ruin my body and-" he cuts you off. "You're great with kids and nothing could ever ruin your body. It's perfect. If you never want them, I'll be perfectly happy with just you," he kisses your forehead.

"I'll think about it more. I'll give you an answer soon. I promise," you feel bad. You know he wants it so bad, you can see it in his eyes, but it's a huge responsibility that you aren't sure about. "I don't need one anytime soon," he gives you a smile, "do you want the rest of your surprise now?" There's more surprise? "Mark, seriously, this is too much," his half smirk finds his face again.

"Just come on," he stands up and holds his hand out to you. He takes you up the stairs and motions toward the bedroom door. You open it slowly. Turning on the light it reveals what he's done.

He had blown up balloons and tied a note to the bottom of each. They were placed so that the note sat upright on the bed and the balloons touched the ceiling. You walk over to them. You count each, there's twelve. One for each month you've been married. "Read the number one," he says. You look for it. Three. Eleven. One, you take it. Before you begin reading, Mark turns on the stereo. He puts Kiss Me on repeat.

I can't believe we're finally married. It's still crazy that I get to call someone as beautiful and amazing as you my wife. Wife. I love how that sounds.

Our honeymoon was great. I really hope you liked it as much as I did. You won't read this for another year, hopefully I haven't gotten on your nerves too much since the time I wrote this.

My heart beats for you. Always have, always will.

Your eyes begin tearing up. You look over at Mark. He walks over to you and wraps you in his embrace. "This really is too much," you tell him, his hand pats your head, "you've really been planning this for a year?" He nods.

You read the remainder of the notes, setting them on the dresser. They're just so heartfelt. He never ceases to amaze you. He's been doing this for a year and you had no idea. "I'm ready," you blurt out. His face fills with confusion. "I want kids," you smile at him, your eyes still teary. "Are you sure? I don't want you to just say that in the heat of the moment."

"I love you, Mark. More than anything else. I want something that's all ours. A little person that's exactly like you."

"Not like me, like you."

You lean up and kiss him. Your hands instantly move to his hair, his to your back. You walk over to the bed and lay down, never breaking the kiss. "You mean you want them right now?" he asks. You giggle and nod. "Well I'm not going to argue with that," he smiles and kisses you once more.

After that, you laid together in bed under the covers. "We could be parents. Wow," he says. "I love you, Mark. You're the greatest husband, partner, lover and soulmate in the entire world. Hopefully soon we can add father to that list," he smiles.

After several minutes of just laying there and taking it all in, Mark places a hand on your stomach. He doesn't say anything, you both just lay there, together, for what feels like a lifetime.

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