Chapter 5 Thank you

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"I remember that... so perfectly. It was the best date I had ever had up until that point," he says, eyes locked on the page. "And you didn't think it was a date," you joke, seeing him smile.

He turns the page, the tears intensifying. "Mark, if it's too much you can look at it later," you wipe away the tears on his face. "I want to look at it forever, just the memories. They're so good I can't take it," he looks in your eyes, "my gift is nowhere near as good as this."

"Knowing you, it's probably a lot more than you should've done," you put a finger under his chin. "I'll finish looking at this later, I promise. I've got some finishing touches to do on my surprise anyway," his suspicious smile looks at you.

He went to his recording room, which he told you a week ago you weren't allowed to go into until he stated otherwise. As curious as you were, you decided to not ruin any possible surprises he has and do as he says.

Your mind was still going slowly into the sea of insanity of not knowing what he's doing behind that door. It's a pretty big room, so he has plenty of space to do basically anything he could possibly think up. You walk over to the door. You had enough self control to do as he said and not look in the room, but he never said anything about listening.

Just as you got up to the door, he came out, "(f/n), you weren't trying to ruin the surprise were you?" You had a guilty look on your face, "no..." "I love surprising you, so I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure the secret doesn't get out," he takes your hand and escorts you downstairs.

You cuddle up to him on the couch. You lay your head in his chest, hearing the beat of his heart as if it were a bass drum. Upon hearing it, your eyes glaze over slightly. "(F/n), what's wrong?" Mark asks you. "Nothing, I'm fine. I just want you to know that I will never break that," you say putting your hand on his heart, "the sound of it is a beautiful melody that I could listen to all day and never get tired of it."

"And this is exactly why I love you," he pulls you into his embrace, "I'll be right back." He gets up and goes back upstairs. Within a few seconds, he's coming back down with the scrapbook. "Are you sure you can handle it," you joke. "I'm a manly man. I can handle anything," you laugh and cuddle back up to him and open the book to the next page.

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