Chapter 14 Surprise!

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Mark comes back downstairs, "you ready?" He hold his hand out to help you up. You set the book aside.

You put your arms around his waist, "you're really sexy in this tux, you know that." He blushes, "not nearly as sexy as you." You look up at him and kiss him gently.

He leads you to the car and opens the door for you. He goes around and hops in the drivers seat. He puts the key in the ignition and starts the car. He reaches up in the upper visor and gets a CD. He puts it in the player and starts it. Jason Mraz's I Won't Give Up begins playing.

Then it hits you. This is the same disc he made for you to listen to when he sent you on the engagement scavenger hunt.

"Mark," your eyes watery. "I know. But I assure you it's not too much," he responded to the comment you had made in your head.

After several songs, the car stops. We're at a restaurant. Not just any restaurant. The restaurant. The one where you two official began dating. You look over to smile at him, but he's beaten you to it.

You get seated and order. The waiter brings you your food and you begin eating. In mid bite, Mark looks at you and smiles, "what?" You ask. "You're just so beautiful. I don't know how I got so lucky. You're the bread to my butter, the stars to my sky, the leaves to my tree." He takes hold of your hand on the table.

After dinner is over, he reaches into his jacket. He pulls out a small box. You give him a look. You shouldn't have, your eyes tell him. "Just open it," you do as you're told. It's a pocket watch necklace. Except the picture on the front is a tree that looks just like the one you visit so frequently.

You put it around your neck, "I read somewhere that you're suppose to get either a paper or clock gift for the first anniversary. I saw that and thought you'd love it." He was absolutely right, "I do. Not near as much as I love you. But I still love it." He blushes slightly.

After returning home, Mark sits down on the couch then motions for you to join him. He grabs the book and opens to the next page.

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