Chapter 9 At Sunset

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You and Mark have been dating for about a year now. You go to the tree at least twice a month. You try to every weekend but sometimes things just don't work.

You've been going to school online to become a lawyer. You had made the decision a while back. Mark was supportive through your decision making process.

Your relationship has never been stronger. Every time your lips connect the butterflies stir and shoot off the fireworks still. You'd thought those things would be long gone by now, but they're still here. You always hoped they'd stay.

This weekend, you and Mark had made plans to go to your tree.

When Saturday rolled around, you were ecstatic. Mark came to your house to pick you up at about 6. He was the only one who actually knew how to get here.

He parked the car in front of the tree. When sunset came, you laid next to him on the hood watching the sun do it's daily goodbye.

"Still not as beautiful as you are," he turned and looked at you. You smile back at him, "I'm serious. You are the most gorgeous woman in the entire world. I don't deserve you. I'm so goo-" before he can finish you start kissing him. You move so he's laying under you as you straddle him.

The kiss intensifies. Mark's hands move to your back. Your tongues meet in the middle. You run your fingers through his hair. You finally have to take a breather. Mark starts talking, "I just want you to know that I'm prepare for whatever is going to happen. So you don't have to worry about anything."

A moment of silence, then he speaks again, "are you sure you want this?" "I've wanted this since the minute I laid eyes on you. I want to be with you for a long time, Mark. I love you." You kiss him again. More passionately this time. "I love you, too."

You both decide to get off the hood as it was starting to get uncomfortable and move into the backseat. You pull his shirt over his head and throw it into the front seat. You run you hand over his muscles, he grins at you, then pulls you back in for a kiss. He slowly lifts your shirt up and over your head throwing it with his. He moves his hands to your sides.

His hands begin exploring you. Yours stay in his hair. It's just so enticing. He moves to your neck, kissing and nibbling. A hand moves to his back, slightly digging your fingers into his skin. A small noise escapes your lips, he moves away to look into your eyes, "how did I get so lucky?" he asks. "How did I?" you answer.

You unbutton his pants and throw them on the growing pile of clothing. You move back up to his lips by kissing his abs first, then move up to his chest, then his neck. You pause at his neck momentarily, feeling his muscles tense slightly. Your lips meet once more.

He removes your pants. All that's left is underwear. Now would be the time to turn back, but you don't want to. You had always imagined your first time being special but this is incredible. Everything about this was perfect, the place, the time, the sky, the man.

This man is completely and absolutely in love with you. And the feeling is mutual. You want to share everything with him. You love, your secrets, your body, and one day your entire life.

He unhooks your bra and adds it to the almost completed pile. His hands becoming curious. Yours moving back to his hair.

You both remove each other's last article of clothing. Neither of you were ashamed or embarrassed. You felt completely comfortable in front of each other.

The sun was gone and the stars came out to dance. Your bodies move together in perfect sync. Sweat began to glisten on his forehead. Fireworks and butterflies stayed with you the rest of the night.

Afterwards, you go back to Mark's apartment. He goes up to the bathroom, you turn on SiriusXM radio on TV. The song is almost over. You got to the kitchen to get something to drink. Mark comes back downs stairs when the next song begins. It's Ed Sheeran's Kiss Me.

"Do you remember this song?" you ask him. "How could I forget," he holds his hand out to you, "may I have this dance?" You place your hand in his.

You listen carefully to the lyrics. They perfectly describe your relationship. Especially now. When you had first danced to this song, you had no idea that it was written for you two. Now, it couldn't possibly be any different.

You lay your head on his shoulder, "(f/n), I'll never be able to express how much I love you. I can try to tell you and even show you but it'll never be the equivalent of my love for you. You are my everything. I don't know what I'd do without you." A tear trickles down your cheek onto his shirt. He pulls you away slightly, so he can look into your eyes. He wipes the tear from your face with his thumb. Leaning in, your lips meet once again.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

And you'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

My hearts against your chest

Your lips pressed to my neck

I'm falling for your eyes

But they don't know me yet

And with this feeling I'll forget

I'm in love now

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