Twenty One

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I land in the middle of the cornucopia and look at the bodies lying lifelessly on the floor. Six bodies in total to match the six cannon shots we've heard since the games began. With the akumas now in charge of their own powers I need to get in and out as quickly as possible. I walk around the platform under the tower letting my hand graze across the golden ridges of the goat horn which marks the centre of the arena.

How can something so beautiful be the symbol for something so grotesque? I approach the first body and it has no miraculous. It must have meant the tribute was akumatised. From what I know I'd guess a tribute from six, they were the weakest in training. Continuing round I see a pair of green coated legs lying still on the ground with a stream of blood making its way into the moat.

Edging closer I can tell it's the snake miraculous. I bend down and look for where I think the miraculous could be held. The wielder was definitely from District 2. I could tell the hair style and face. I look closer and don't understand how it took so long to work out the cat was Adrien when we were in the games last year. 

Continuing on with my search I see something glowing on his wrist - a bracelet. Reaching down I slowly unclip it and place it inside my yo-yo. It disappears under a ray of light and I hope I've collected it and not destroyed it. I look back and see the features of the male tribute from District two. His face was frozen in fear, hands looking ready to attack back, but he was too late. Death became him before he even reached for his weapon.

Placing my yo-yo back to my hip I continue looking for Miraculous'. I pass another tribute who looks to be an akuma. Again I'm thinking districts five and six. Three found and three left to find. I quietly continue my walk around the cornucopia, I'm quite sure the akuma's above me will be released at any moment.

I see the next two on the edge of the rocky surface supporting the cornucopia. I place intricate footsteps across the rocky surface towards the two bodies lying inanimate on the floor.  Looking up I check to see if there are any signs of an akuma moving, and to my luck the sky is still clear.

Sitting down I shuffle on my bottom towards the two tributes; the mouse and the rooster. The mouse seems to have a necklace on, separate to her bodysuit. Trying not to touch her blood soaked hair I pull the necklace around so the clasp is facing me. Reaching forward I work the clasp until it opens and remove the necklace from the tributes body. It's Mylène. My heart breaks a little more and I close my eyes to hold back the tears threatening to spill.

"Remember who the real enemy is." I speak quietly to myself as I clutch onto Mylene's miraculous. Grabbing my yo-yo I fiercely yank it off my hip and place in the necklace. I head towards to rooster when I see something move in my peripheral vision.

I keep my head forward and move my eyes to try and find where the movement was coming from. A flash of something gold appears again before vanishing. Within seconds I see it move from my right to my left, grabbing my yo-yo I turn and throw it over my shoulder. It hits something solid and I hear a voice.

"Give me yours and that cats miraculous and we can end this now. I wouldn't want lover boy to die."

I pull my yo-yo back and for the first time I get a good look at the akuma. Their hair is gold and spiked high upon their white face. Their eyes are edged in thick black which trails down their face looking as though they have been crying. It's lips are a dark black; a contrasting colour to the brightness of its sparkling gold hair. It looks as though they are holding scissors, could it be?? No it can't! The dress the akuma is wearing is flamboyant. Gold, white and black. With spikes and ribbons flying from her shoulders.

"You were meant to make me proud, ha! I've seen better looking trash come out of District twelve."

"Audrey, this isn't you. I don't know what's happened but please, you don't have to do this?" I try to reason with her which only seems to infuriate her more.

"Audrey was weak! I am not! I am the Fashionator and I am here to take your Miraculous!" She lurches forwards towards me and I just about manage to side step before she sheered me with the scissors. I swing my yo-yo in a circular motion to create a shield hoping to deflect any sudden attacks from the designer in front of me.

She comes for me again and I whip my yo-yo towards the scissors. It wraps tightly around her wrist and allows me to pull her body into mine. I use my other hand to grapple to get the scissors. I remembered what Tikki said about finding objects to break to release the akuma. It must be in the scissors. She manages to discover I am in deep thought and uses it to her advantage, flipping me over her shoulder. I land flat on my back next to Mylène.

"Time to join your little friend." As Audrey comes down on me I roll towards the rooster, dodging the attack and giving me chance to regain my stability. As I stand I try to grab the Miraculous ring from the roosters thumb only to be grabbed again by the akuma. I swing my yo-yo and it locks on the top of the cornucopia, pulling hard, I make my way up and onto the top. As I do I see the hovercraft beginning to search over the area.

"Oh no!" I quickly run and flip to the opposite side to where I left Audrey and see a body with a Miraculous. The bee. I jump down and grab the comb from the bee, the transformation wears off and I see Marianna.

Remember who the real enemy is!

I know this time it's Tikki talking to me. I turn around just in time to catch Audrey in mid jump. My yo-yo wraps around her waist and I throw her onto the rock in the centre of the platform. Walking over to her I don't give her chance to attack, I snatch the scissors break them and release a purple butterfly.

I pull my yo-yo and look at the settings. I see one with a white butterfly and press it, before swinging the yo-yo towards the purple akuma. My yo-yo opens with a spray of white light and captures the akuma in its mouth. As the yo-yo rebounds into my hand I tap the top of it.

The most beautiful white butterfly escapes to freedom through the force field that's keeping us contained. I watch it the entire way wishing it was me.

"Marinette?" I look over and see Audrey. I run to her and give her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know what I would do without you?" She quickly hugged me back before signalling that we needed to leave. I place the bee's comb into my yo-yo and grab hold of Audrey around her waist.

Firing my yo-yo into the trees we begin to make our way back to Adrien and our allies. As we were passing through trees I noticed it had suddenly become a lot darker. It couldn't be more than mid afternoon in the real world. But that's the thing with the games; they can make you believe whatever they want you too.

I see a silver parachute heading towards where our team is situated. I speed up and pray it's not anything to do with Adrien. As I reach the area where the parachute has just descended I hear a cannon fire.

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