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This is it. The moment I've been dreading since the start of the Victors Tour. I stepped out of the train and onto the platform only to be swarmed by cameras and people. Adrien grabbed my hand and we kept walking down towards the car that will be taking us to our room for the evening. This is the only time we're staying over night in a district; the Victors celebration is meant to be a late one so Nadja thought it'd be easier to just stay in an apartment.

I sit hand in hand with Adrien in the limousine taking us to our apartment. Nadja is giving us both 'the talk' about staying in each other's rooms before relaying our schedule for the day. When we get to the apartment we will change and head straight for an interview with Alec before changing again ready for the Capitol's gala. It's here we get to come face-to-face with the Capitol influencers and game makers. Of all the possible people in the Capitol I could face, game makers are not top of my list; neither is Hawkmoth but we have no choice but to see him again too.

Arriving at the grand building we make our apartment. It's high up with a balcony similar to what we had at the training centre. It's garishly decorated with big sculptures, fur rugs, glass tables and a mix of mustard yellow, green and purple accessories. I stare in amazement, why would anyone think this was a good choice of a colour combination. The green wasn't even a nice green, like Adrien's eyes.

We were led to our separate rooms to get ready for the interview. Audrey was already in full work mode. Apparently her dresses for me had been here pre tour. She reaches into the wardrobe and pulls out a green dress the colour of Adrien's eyes. It's short, with exaggerated hip boning making it stick out in a circle around the top of my thighs. The top went into a halter neck with two stiff loops around each upper arm. The look was finished with my trademark crystallised heels in the same green as my dress.

My prep team began messing with my hair and face once Audrey had dressed me. My eyes were exaggerated with green flicks from the corner of my eyes along with black smokey effects rounding them. My hair had been pulled into a high ponytail and back combed to stand proud. I look at my finished transformation in the mirror. I look older and dare I say extremely attractive.

I walk out into the main seating area and see Adrien dressed in a black suit with a tie which matches the colour of my dress. His suit jacket is sprinkled with black diamonds, and he looks perfect in every sense of the word.

"You look perfect, Mari." He walks over to me and takes one of my hands in his, placing a delicate kiss on the back.

"Thank you. You're looking good too, Chaton." I run my fingers over the diamonds on the jacket and feel his breath still under my touch. He grabs my hands and pulls them down from his chest, keeping his eyes securely locked into mine.

"Are you ready?" He asks me.

"As long as you're by my side we can handle anything."

"You and me against the world, m'lady."

"Always." I respond with a smile as we begin our journey, hand-in-hand, to the interview.


"Ladies and gentleman of Panem, I hope you're all sitting comfortable as this afternoon we have one of the most exciting interviews since the end of the 74th Miraculous Games. Joining us on this sofa for their penultimate stop of the Victory tour will be Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste, also known as the 74th winners of The Miraculous Games, and the two star crossed lovers from District 12. Let's have a quick look back at their time in The Miraculous Games."

I'd never seen any of the recaps of the games and I don't intend too now. I turn away from any of the screens and close my eyes placing my hands over my ears. I can feel Adrien move behind me and wrap his hands around my waist. Instantly, I feel safe and secure. I could stay in his arms forever, however that wasn't happening today. Before I know it, Adrien's pulling my hands off my ears and signalling to me that we're about to go on stage.

I take a deep breath and hold tight onto Adrien's hand, entwining our fingers together. The screen in front of us opens and we walk forward. Adrien's being his usual crowd pleasing self, whereas I'm clinging onto him barely able to crack a fake smile. I'll have to get him to teach me how to do that. Alec signals for us to take a seat. I have to be very careful with my dress especially when I sit down in case it flips up and reveals my undergarments to the whole of Panem. I sit slightly sideways looking back over my shoulder at Alec and my knees touching Adrien's. I place our joined hands in my lap.

The interview is going as expected; I make idiotic statements and Adrien gets the crowd whipped up into a frenzy. As the interview begins to come to a close, I feel Adrien start to tense up next to me. I look at him, trying to get his attention on mine, but his eyes are firmly placed onto Alec's. In seconds I see Adrien and Alec turn to face me, both with their eyebrows raised.

"Sorry," I say "what did you say?" The crowd starts to laugh and Adrien's hand tenses even more on mine. I look over at Alec.

"I was just asking how things are between you and Mr Handsome over here." I shyly smile.

"Everything is perfect. We are so deeply in love, we can't be separated." I look over at Adrien and he gives me a fake smile. How do I know it's fake? Because his real one would have had me melting into the sofa we're sitting on in an instant. Why is he fake smiling anyway?

"Oh yes, Ms Dupain-Cheng, we've all heard about the nighttime visits you tend to go on together?" My face flushed and I look down at my hands, I didn't realise it people other than us knew about it. Obviously someone on the train had spilt the beans. Alec continues talking and I slowly lift my head to meet his eye. "I believe your darling sweetheart has something he'd like to ask you."

I turn my head to Adrien to find he is down on one knee. This can't be happening ... what do I say? Is he doing it for real? Or is it just for Hawkmoth's benefit?

"Marinette, I loved you before we entered the arena. All I wanted to do was get to know you and maybe one day hold your hand. Now, at seventeen years old, I know you, I've held your hand, we've saved each other's lives, we've cuddled, we've kissed and now I would love nothing more than to start a family with you. So Marinette Dupain-Cheng I am asking if you would do me the honours of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

The audience went silent waiting for my answer and my head was spinning. The boy I love has just declared his love for me to the whole country and said he wants to marry me. Adrien. My Adrien, wants to marry me! A smile breaks out on my serious face as I give my answer to Adrien, Alec, the crowd, everyone backstage and Panem.

"Adrien I love you so much, of course I'll marry you." He smiles at me in his beautiful lopsided way and pulls a ring from his suit pocket. It is a white gold band with a small black diamond in the centre. It fits perfectly on my dainty finger as Adrien slides it on. We both stand up and hug before locking our lips in the sweetest kiss I've ever tasted. Alec closes the interview as we remain attached together. At this moment in time I just want to forget all about Hawkmoth, the games, Luka, my mother, Fu ... everything. I just want to be in the here and now with Adrien, my fiancé.

I can't control my smile.

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