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It had been a quiet journey so far everyone was feeling the weight on which we were about to embark. I was sitting staring out the window.

Tree, animal, grass ... tree, animal, grass ...

Adrien was sitting opposite me talking to Fu. I couldn't careless about what they were talking about. All I knew was I was on the way to my death; either by weapon or heartbreak.

"A penny for your thoughts m'lady." Adrien asked me. I kept my eyes on the window to the outside world.

Tree, animal, grass ... tree, animal, grass ...

"They're too dark for your sweet innocent brain, mon Chaton." Adrien laughed.

"Mon amore, try me." I turned my head and smiled at him.

"I didn't know you could speak French?"

"My families originally from the Capitol; so its our second language."

"Cute." I smile to him and he smiles back.

"Now you're speaking sweetheart, we need to discuss these games. You can forget everything from last time, as this is a quarter quell they will be likely to step up their game." Fu interrupted us.

"Great, so so great!" I say clenching my teeth.

Suddenly the doors open and a lady steps into the room. She's wearing a fitted blue dress and jacket. Her hair was black with a red streak falling across the glasses which she wore. I stare with wide eyes as she makes her way over to where we're sitting.

"Hello, I am Nathalie Sancoeur. I will be taking over from Nadja." She stands near flicking her eyes between us. I take a quick glance at Adrien and he seems to be lost in thought.

"Have we ... have we met before?" He asks warily. Nathalie looks away from him and answers with a quick and simple 'no'.

"Hey Nathalie, good to see you again." Fu stands up and gives Nathalie a hug before offering her his seat. She takes it graciously and I can't help but notice something between the two of them. Not romantic, but knowing. I'm almost certain they know something we don't.

"These games are going to be harder than what you experienced last year," Nathalie starts to explain to us. I quickly look at her then roll my eyes back out to the window.

Tree, animal, grass ... tree, animal, grass ...

"Ms Dupain-Cheng, you need to take this a lot more seriously than you are."

"Sorry Ms Sancoeur, I didn't realise my death needed so much planning."

"You'll get used to this sunshine over here. She's such a ray of light." Fu said looking at me. I can see his reflection in the window as we go through a tunnel. Then I hear a snort of laughter coming from Adrien's direction. I turn my head to glare and he puts his hands up to say sorry.

"You two are new to this. Everyone else have been involved in the games for years. You're going to need allies. Not only that, you need to learn more about the ladybug and cat Miraculous, for example how to unify powers with other Miraculous',"

"You want us to steal the other Miraculous' from the tributes?" Adrien looks shocked.

"Not your team mates, the ones who have been killed. You can keep hold of the Miraculous' and then try different unifications to help you escape the arena."

"So you're telling me we can use two miraculous at the same time? How do you know how to use it?" I ask.

"When you put on the object the kwami will tell you it's name. Now if you were the cat and the bug again they'd have no reason to doubt why you're doing it. You two are true and loyal to the Miraculous, they will know you don't want to corrupt them."

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