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I storm out the elevator and up to Fu, who at this moment in time is attempting to open yet another bottle of whisky. The anger surges through me at his distrust of me and I slap the bottle hard out of his hands. It flies towards the table and shatters into hundreds of pieces.

"I hope you realise the delicacy you've just demolished, sweetheart."

"How dare you make him do that! How dare you do that to me!"

"Woah, save your anger for in the arena and be glad you're still alive to make it there." I pull my arm back ready to slap Fu around his smirking face when Adrien grabs hold of me.

"Mari, calm down please."

"So lover boy told you? I should have known he couldn't keep it a secret." Fu picked up a different bottle and began to swig out of it.

Adrien dropped my arm to the side and I cross them over my chest. Adrien moves to grab something to eat, he seems quite chilled considering the stand off between myself and Fu. Though I suppose he's used to it now.

"I wasn't going to be spending my last couple of days being ignored by the girl I love." Adrien states as he made his way round the table to sit down.

"You're too mushy, sunshine. I'm surprised you've made it this far."

I walked over to the drinks and pick up something aqua in colour before swigging it down. It started off sweet but ended with a very bitter after taste. I quickly grab a macaron and rub it against my tongue to try and sweeten the sourness sat there. I heard a laugh coming from the table and saw Adrien laughing at me. I picked up another macaron and threw it at his face. He caught it between his teeth and winked.

"Ok you two, back to business. Over half the tributes want you as allies so you need to choose by tomorrow so I can pass on the message."

I sigh and sit facing Adrien. Fu sat down with another drink and studied both of us.

"Any clues yet on who you will choose?" Fu asked, Adrien looked at me knowing full well it was going to end up being my decision. He knew I just wanted it to be me and him. However, it seems that was not an option.

"Max, Nino, Marianne, and I suppose ... Kagami." The last name left a taste in my mouth worse than the aqua liquid.

"Mari, I can stop this with Kagami if you want me too." Adrien said, looking over to me.

"I don't think so, you've worked too hard for this." I sigh and nod my head to Adrien. "Keep it up until the arena. Though I'm not making any promises about once we get in there. If she even looks at you in an adoring way she's out." I say genuinely.

"That's the way to make friends, sweetheart." I sent Fu a glare, he just doesn't know how to back off.

"Well I learn from the best." I gave him a sarcastic salute and turn back to my plate. "I do have one condition though - Adrien is allowed to show me some sort of companionship. We are meant to be the star crossed lovers after all. I think the other tributes are starting to get suspicious."

"It doesn't help that the past couple of days you've been giving me the cold shoulder." Adrien really needs to learn when to stop talking.

"Not without reason though, Kitty." I grit my teeth.

"Very true, bugaboo."

"You two make me sick." Fu responded downing half a bottle of whisky. I rolled my eyes at him as I heard the familiar clicking of high heels making their way over to us.

"Where have you two been?" Nathalie asked.

"Having some time alone. We don't get chance to have much of it at the moment." I respond.

Catching Wire [The Miraculous Games Book 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora