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We are all seated in the lounge cart listening to Nadja run through our schedule for the tour. We will be journeying through all the Districts then heading to the Capitol, before returning home to District 12 for our celebration day.

We are expected to make speeches in each venue regarding their fallen tributes and attending a gala at the mayor's house. This will be a formal event which means Audrey has made me an abundance of beautiful dresses. It seems I am no longer seen as the girl next door in love with the favourite boy tribute, but a women madly in love with her soul mate. It's a shame neither of those truly support who I truly am.

I turn my head and study Adrien's face. He's been spending a lot of time working out over the past few months which has made his already defined features, sharp and sculptured. He's every girls dream. Not just by looks, but by personality too. He's selfless, caring and considerate and I can't help but want to know everything about him. He catches me staring and turns to me. I see a slither of green before quickly turning my head away from him, a flush is prominent on my face.

"I suggest you two get some rest. It's going to be an early start tomorrow and a very long day." Nadja coxes us towards our bedrooms.

"Where's Fu?" Adrien asks. Nadja points down towards what I guess is Fu's room.

"Already asleep, dear. Now you two, into your rooms please, lights out and straight to sleep." She air kisses us both before walking off down the corridor.

Myself and Adrien stand still and wait for Nadja to close her door. As soon as I hear the door click I grab Adrien by his collar and pull him into my bedroom locking my lips to his. He fights back with equal passion. I pull away and stroke down his beautiful sculptured face.

"I've missed you." I say. He grabs my waist and kisses me again.

"Not as much as I've missed you, m'lady." He says breaking apart. He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. "Mari, I need to know what you want us to be. I can't keep kissing you and sleeping next to you if I know your heart belongs to someone else."

The sadness in Adrien's eyes when he opens them,  it breaks my heart. I never wanted him to feel this way. When we made it back to the district I honestly thought we'd be together. We just needed time, however, being the gentleman he is, Adrien stepped back and let me go off with Luka. I never wanted Luka, I missed him but I can survive without him. Adrien is my missing piece. The days when I am apart from him are my darkest days; over run with depression and anxiety. Adrien is my sunshine on a cloudy day.

"My heart has never belonged to anyone else the way it belongs to you. Adrien, I don't just want you, I need you." I pull him close again and kiss him deeply.

"What about Luka?" Adrien quizzes me, when I separate my lips from his.

"It's not him I want or need."

"But the kiss?" He looked down and started to kick his feet nervously across the floor.

"He kissed me! I told you about it because I trust you, to trust me. Nothing like that will ever happen again. I love Luka, like a brother. You're my partner. I want to be yours." He looked up at me, peering through his perfect golden hair.


"Yes really." I hold his hand and walk over to the bed pulling him on with me. He lies back and I lay my head on his chest in our normal sleeping position.

"Stay with me," I say as part of our usual nighttime routine.

"Always." He responds with a smile on his face. I place a soft kiss to his lips, and relax into his warmth. I don't know why I resisted so long. I am so in love with this boy it hurts. As the realisation hits me, I close my eyes and settle into the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks.


When Nadja found out we'd spent the night together in my room she sat us down to give us 'The Talk'.

I sat next to Adrien, interlocking one of my hands with his, as she rambled on about how it could be seen differently by the Capitol, that we weren't just innocently cuddling and kissing.

"Marinette, this is very un lady like, and dragging poor, sweet Adrien into this ... I'm deeply horrified!"

"I'm not dragging anyone anywhere." I exclaim. I don't understand what the problem is, we've doing this for weeks. Though no one needs to know that at the minute, I'm quite sure Nadja would faint or maybe implode.

"Technically Mari, you did drag me into your room last night." Adrien wiggles his eyebrows at me and I huff.

"You're not helping." I say, through gritted teeth.

Nadja really wasn't believing that we were innocent, and when Fu joined us half way through the conversation he didn't help the situation.

"Well done Adrien, you're taming the shrew." Fu walked over and patted Adrien on the back. I let out a low growl and left the carriage. I made my way towards the back of the train, however something pulled my attention to a little room on my right. Screaming and shouting could be heard from the monitors situated inside. An akuma lifts his head and sees me, he presses a button which quickly shuts the door. I carried on walking to my destination.

I sit down and look at at the trees blurring past us. Life really is changing, and if what I've heard is true then it's just going to continue. I was hoping one day to start a family but how can I bring a child into this world. If me and Adrien were to have children there is no doubt it'd be fixed for that child to end up in the games. After all what makes more of a point than the child of not one, but two victors. Not ordinary victors either, the two that managed to change the rules. Who's even to say Adrien wants to be with me as much as I do him?

"Mari," think of the devil and he shall appear. "I'm sorry for what Fu said. He had no rights."

I look up into his beautiful green eyes and wondered how I got so lucky to have this man alongside me. I can't call him a boy anymore, the games took any childhood and innocence away from us.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault." He sighs, and comes over to sit with me. I just continue to stare out at the passing trees.

"Hawkmoth's watching us by the way."

"Watching us?" He asks quizzically.

"He's keeping a close eye on our lives and activities. He doesn't think everyone see's our love story as real and people in the districts are seeing it at defiance of the Capitol. I think ... I think we may have started riots calling for a revolution." Adrien looks at me with great intent as I explain the Hawkmoth situation. I can tell thousands are ideas are running through his head.

"Then we prove that they are wrong. I know you wanted to go slow, but I'm not sure we have time for that option. I know I love you and want to be with you forever. No girl has ever made me feel the way you do, and the time we spent in the games made my fall harder. I protected you with my life because I wanted to. I feel like my life is whole only when you are beside me, so please Marinette Dupain-Cheng, would you allow me to be your boyfriend?"

I snigger at him. That was cheesy, yet adorable at the same time, he's such a romantic ... the complete opposite to me. I can see his eyes glaring into mine as he waits for my answer.

"Yes," I say, sounding a little chocked up, "I would really like to be your girlfriend Adrien Agreste."

My hands close over his cheeks and pull him to my lips, venturing into a deep, meaningful kiss. My first boyfriend. How can something so great come out of something so wrong?

Suddenly the carriage in plummeted into darkness as we travel through a tunnel before securely arriving into District 11.

The roads were laced with akuma's and the land looked bare and forgotten. Nothing could of prepared us for this barren District and a small tear rolled down my face.

Catching Wire [The Miraculous Games Book 2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang