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It took Luka a couple of weeks to recover at my home before he returned to the Seam. I haven't seen him since he left four months ago, and to be honest I haven't made any efforts to go into the meadow on Sunday's. The conversation between him and Adrien still runs in my head. Luka's personality has changed and I can't help but think I'm responsible for that happening.

It's the last Sunday of April and the weather is beginning to pick up. The snow has melted signalling the plants and trees to adorn their spring attire. Blossom is scattering around the victor village from the trees positioned in the middle. I'm lying down in the grass with my head resting on Adrien's lap. My eyes are closed and I feel the first prominent rays of the sun warming my skin.

Adrien is drawing pictures in a book. With the quarter quell fast approaching we've been writing about our time as Victors. I've been writing down stories and information about those who have fought in the games previously and Adrien illustrates with a picture of them in their costume. Along with this we have been trying to write information regarding each of the Miraculous. As myself and Adrien are the only cat and ladybug miraculous' still alive their section has been all on us. Fu has been helping too. He knows more about the past Victors and the Miraculous than we do so he's been able to fill in gaps.

I open my eyes and look at Adrien's hands working. Each pencil stroke shows immense talent from the boy with the sunshine hair.

"How are you feeling about tonight?" Adrien places the book down and pierces his emerald eyes into mine. I sigh and close my eyes taking myself out of his hypnosis.

"I have a bad feeling." I reply sitting myself up to face him. He takes one of my hands in his.

"Just remember whatever happens I am here. You won't be going through it alone."

"Thank you, Chaton. I just find it so hard to ask for help." 

"You're the most stubborn woman I've ever met, but I wouldn't want you any other way." He places one hand behind my head and pulls me in close, placing a delicate kiss on my forehead. "We'd better go, viewing starts in one hour."

We stand up and say our goodbyes as we head back to our separate houses. As I reach my door I turn and see him staring at me. He's eyes make me feel exposed but safe. I give him a little wave and step in through the door. My mama is scurrying around making dinner, Manon has arrived back with us today. Nadja begins her work for the Quell as of this evening.

"Marinette, come and play with me please. My mama has brought me some new dolls." I walk over to where Manon was playing. I sit down on one of the cushions and pick up the dolls. Ladybug, Chat Noir and the dragon miraculous.

"Woah! These are interesting Manon. Where did your mama get them from?" I ask curiously. These are very detailed indeed. Our costumes looking exactly as they appeared in the games.

"She got them from district 8. They're great. You can be Chat Noir and I'll be Ladybug." Manon throws the Chat Noir doll to me and we begin to play. The details she knows from the games is terrifying. No one of her age should have to put up with it. It's sick and unfair. Perhaps an uprising is the better idea.

My mama calls us for dinner which we eat in silence before clearing up and heading back for the mandatory viewing of the Quarter Quell announcement. As we settle down the seal of Panem appears along with the Presidential theme. A stirring begins in my stomach and I feel sick before it even begins. I'm scared. Hopelessly and utterly scared.

President Hawkmoth appears on the screen. The look on his face confirms my worry.

"Ladies and gentleman as you all know this is the 75th year of The Miraculous Games. It was written that every twenty-five years will consist of a Quarter Quell. This year, as a reminder, that even the strongest cannot overpower the Capitol. On this, the third Quarter Quell games, the male and female tributes will be reaped from those who have already become Victors in each District. We will reap one month from today. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour."

Catching Wire [The Miraculous Games Book 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz