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This is just a short filler chapter describing the aftermath of the one-to-ones before we got into the interviews, kwami selection and, of course, the Games.

"You did what?" I sat down on the sofa as Nathalie was pacing back and forth with one hand on her head. I was resting up against Adrien with my legs draped over his. Fu sat in the corner smiling.

"Thank you for your consideration. Nice one sweetheart." Fu started chuckling again before standing up and pushing Nathalie to sit on one of the armchairs.

"They told me District 12 would be simple because you're just playing your star crossed lovers act ..."

"Playing? You're kidding right. Have you not met these two? They're made for each other." Fu sat back down in his chair looking astonished. I too was astonished but for a different reason. Was Fu just kind about us?

"I think it's fair to say we're more than just an 'act'." I hold up my engagement ring and point to the beautiful diamond on my finger.

"Ok, perhaps I didn't believe it at first but I admit there is something between you two."

"I would of thought us having the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous would convince you of that?" Adrien spoke for the first time since I'd arrived back and told my story.

Nathalie sighed and looked between us.

"So, Adrien, your turn." I felt Adrien shift uncomfortably under my legs and I reach out to place a hand on his chest to comfort him.

"I painted a picture." That makes sense, he was good at painting due to his work in the bakery.

"A picture of what exactly?" Fu sat forward and glared at Adrien. He looked to me as if channelling inner support.

"Hawk Moth ..."

You can do it Chaton, what else do you paint?

He looked at me guilty.

"On his knees beaten, with Ladybug and Chat Noir standing over him." He winced and shrunk into me. I have to hold back a laugh and covered my smile with my hand.

Nice work, Kitty!

"You did what?" Nathalie pretty much exploded. "You two just get out of here now! Honestly ... you're both going to end up with being akumatised rather than gain a Miraculous." I stand up and grab Adrien's hand giggling a little, as we head to his bedroom.

I settle against the headboard of his bed as he shuts the door behind us. I grin at him as he laughs. Placing his hands in his hair he drags them down his face.

"Do you think we're causing enough trouble for Nathalie?"

"Naa, she can take more. Plus we've got the interviews tomorrow and we know how good you are at those." Smiling again he jumps onto the bed next to me.

"Mari, what did your kwami get sucked into? Did you have jewellery in the box or just Tikki?" Adrien asked as he placed an arm around my shoulders. Surprisingly we've never spoken about this before.

"Chloé gave me some earrings and Tikki used those to transform me. How about you?" I rest my head on Adrien's chest and we move around until we found a comfortable position to settle in.

"When I opened the box there was a ring there. I recognised it from a picture in my Auntie's house. Apparently it's linked to my great-great grandfather. It was his."

"How do you know?"

"I searched around for the family tree I knew my aunt had. Apparently he was the last cat to use the Miraculous. He married when we returned from the games but his heart was so broken from loosing his lady he died from it." I look at his hands and see the ring positioned on his middle finger. I stroke around it and look closely. It's silver, however in the games I'm sure it was black.

I snuggle into him more and kiss under his ear. I know that's his weak spot and he closes his eyes sighing. I pull out of the position we're in and slip under the covers still fully clothed. He joins me shortly after wrapping his arms around me. I stare out the window and can see the full glory of the Capitol. It's the first time I've really taken it in.

The training centre is positioned near a tower which I believe is called la tour Eiffel  and was created as an entrance to a fair many years ago. I wonder what it would be like to visit the top of the Tower and look at on the stunning Capitol below. Surrounding the area are many high rise buildings, each more grand than the one next to it.

"I think I've been up there before." Adrien had obviously dipped into my thoughts. "When I was younger with my mother and father, you know, before everything happened."

"Did you find anything out about them when you looked at your family tree?" I rolled over to look into Adrien's innocent eyes, it's times like these I can see we're still only teenagers.

"Nothing. She'd even scratched their names off the family tree and removed all pictures."

"So you're related to the last cat? Does that mean you're going to kill me kitty, and take the win all for yourself?"

"Not a chance. You are my life." He leans over me and takes me lips with his. I think again about how we ended up here feeling something so wholesome and beautiful, out of something contaminated and indecent.

"You're mine too." He lays down next to me and asks me to sing.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow.

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.

Lay down your head, and close your eyes.

And when they open, the sun will rise.

As I sing I stroke through his beautiful blonde locks, his eyes are closed and his breathing is settled. I smile as I carry on singing. I look over his gorgeous face. His skin is darker than mine, more worthy of a Capitol resident than one from the Seam of District 12. He begins to snore and I get lost in thought. Who are his parents? What happened to them? And what doesn't his Auntie want him to find out.

Catching Wire [The Miraculous Games Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now