Chapter 30

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Song: Parasitic Eve by Bring Me the Horizon

When Rachel awoke, she found herself surrounded not by the familiar confines of her small cell, but instead by a image of blurred green hues. She didn't recognise this new prison. She vaguely remembered the humans coming to her cell shortly after the Abaddon's departure, tasering her and drugging her.

Her vision, clouded from the drugs used to keep her subdued, struggled to make sense of the shapes around her. The distant memory of sunlight was replaced by the oppressive scent of damp and decay, while elongated shapes of vibrant green loomed close, their colour deepening into a menacing darkness as they receded into the distance. The sounds of rustling leaves and distant animal calls echoed around her, blending into a cacophony of disorientation.

Straining against her restraints, Rachel tried to focus on her surroundings. The uneven ground beneath her felt more like the forest floor than the concrete of a cell, and the air was thick with humidity. As her senses slowly adjusted, she became aware of the faint sounds of water nearby, perhaps a river or a stream, and the faint, distant murmurs of voices—human voices—somewhere in the tangled maze of green.

A shiver coursed through her, goosebumps peppering her skin as she felt the cold bite of metal against her flesh, confining her movements. Her wrists were shackled, confirming her worst fears. The humans must have administered hallucinogens; the sights and scents assaulting her senses couldn't possibly be grounded in reality.

Rachel yanked against her restraints, her skin breaking and blood beading at the surface as the metal dug in. Each time she blinked, she saw two different blurry images—one of a medical room, the other of a dark forest. Her head throbbed with a ferocity that made her wince, and she choked back a cry as blood dripped from her nose. It was as if she was in two places at once.

"It's of no use," a strange male taunted from the shadows.

Rachel's eyes darted around, trying to pinpoint the source of the voice. She knew this was another of the humans' twisted games. "Release me!" she demanded, her voice raw. She wouldn't let their drugs and psychological warfare break her spirit. With a grunt, she pulled against her bonds again, ignoring the searing pain and the white spots dancing before her eyes.

"The pain will subside if you cease your struggles," the voice insisted, its tone now warped, as if coming from the depths of a long tunnel.

Rachel strained to focus, her heart pounding as a form slowly emerged from a speck of darkness, taking on a human-like shape. "I will not give in," she hissed through gritted teeth.

Her gaze fell to the bond mark on her wrist, where a familiar warmth began to spread, even as her blood seeped over it. The warmth was comforting, almost reassuring, and for a moment, she felt an odd sense of clarity. When she raised her eyes again, the world snapped into sharp relief, revealing an illusion of a forest so majestic it took her breath away. Towering trees stretched skyward, their canopies lost in the heavens. The forest floor was a chaotic blend of vibrant ferns, decaying logs, and moss that painted everything with strokes of green and yellow.

In the midst of this natural cathedral stood a figure cloaked in black, its human form belied by the utter lack of features on its face. "Why is your face...blank?" Rachel asked, her voice quivering slightly despite her attempts to sound brave.

"Take down your shield and I will show you," the entity replied, its voice smooth and chilling.

A chill wind brushed against Rachel, reminding her of the metal still biting into her wrists. This had to be an illusion, but it felt disturbingly real, especially when pain surged through her skull.

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