Chapter 15

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Song: Rev 22:20 by Puscifer

Hallo Lovlies, sorry about the delay in getting this chapter out

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Hallo Lovlies, sorry about the delay in getting this chapter out. Life got in the way. :)

The city lights cast a muted glow in Beth's apartment, blending with the soft flicker of the television. From her vantage point at the window, Rachel watched the busy sidewalk, life bustling unaware beneath her. Here, her only concern was staying hidden from the police.

Her thoughts drifted to the possibility of other creatures existing among the city's throngs, unseen and unknown. Maybe, just beyond her view, there were creatures who could offer the guidance and support she so desperately sought.

A chill swept through Rachel, images of the icy waterfall flickering in her mind. The mark on her arm burned as if it were alive—He was calling for her. A muffled voice that sounded like the Abaddon grew louder, only to be interrupted by a phone ringing. The eerie sounds and sensations vanished.

She turned to the kitchen counter, worried it was Vlad. What would she say? She'd spent long enough thinking about her demons. If she had to face the Abaddon alone, she could learn to confront Vlad without fear.

Beth caught the distant look in Rachel's eyes and turned towards her with a furrowed brow of concern. "Is everything alright? You seem tense."

Letting out a weary sigh, Rachel attempted to articulate her feelings. "It's hard to explain, Beth. There's a lot happening."

Beth's response was warm, her hand finding Rachel's shoulder reassuringly. "Listen, whatever's on your mind, we'll work through it together."

Curiosity got the better of Rachel, leading her to ponder Beth's reaction to a glimpse of her reality. "What would you say if I told you I have powers, and there's some demon creature after me?"

Beth stared at her, stone-faced, then burst into laughter. "I don't know what you've been smoking, but I want some," she joked, clearly not taking Rachel's words seriously. However, her amusement paused when she noticed the tattoo on Rachel's arm. "Hold on, when did you get this tattoo without telling me? Aren't we supposed to share everything? What's your mum going to think?"

"It's just henna for an art project. It'll wash off."

But Beth wasn't deterred, her fingers lifting Rachel's sleeve to reveal more of the tattoo. As soon as Beth's touch connected with the ink, Rachel's mind was invaded by visions of the Abaddon, its dark presence almost palpable behind Beth.

Rachel quickly withdrew her arm.

Beth, genuinely impressed, pushed for details. "That tattoo is incredible! What's the matter? Why are you hiding it?"

"It was a mistake."

"Come on, let's stay in tonight. We can watch a movie and relax. You seem like you could use a break from everything," Beth suggested, sensing her friend's need for comfort and distraction. "And, you know what? Let's open a bottle of wine. It'll help us unwind."

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