"Come in!" added Mr. Weasley as we heard footsteps getting near the entrance to the living room, I saw Ginny and Hermione exchange looks whiles looking back at me, making me even confused.

When Mr. and Mrs. Weasley entered the living room they weren't alone, beside them was Severus, Charlie, Teddy and... My heart stopped a beat as I saw who was with them. I stood there frozen as I saw the two blonde headed father and son. It was Draco and Scorpious.

Like always, I tried to maintain my blank expression whenever I see them. I saw Scorpious looked shocked when he saw me, since he wasn't expecting his Professor to know the Weasleys or the Potters.

"Merry Christmas!" Teddy greeted happily to us, as it hit me like a Muggle truck. Of course, Teddy was Draco's cousin, as I saw Teddy's hair was an ombre of the color teal and blonde (the same shade as Draco and Scorpious' hair).

It pains me to know that I still recognized the shade of his hair even though it has been years when I thought I had completely forgotten it.

"You okay, Y/N?" asked Ron to me, as I saw him and Harry looking at me concerned along with Ginny and Hermione. "We can kick him out, if you want."

"Ron!" said Hermione, slapping his arm.

"I was joking!" he protested, as he shield himself from Hermione.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. And just like Mrs. Weasley said 'just forget about the past and have fun'," I told them with a reassuring smile, I saw them hesitated at first but they all nodded.

We all greeted Charlie and Teddy happily, whiles most of them were quite awkward and uncomfortable when greeting Draco and Scorpious.

It seems that I was the last to greet Draco and Scorpious a Merry Christmas, when I did I remembered what happened between me and Scorpious before the holidays started at the Black Lake.

"Merry Christmas to the two of you," I said with my usual blank expression, I thought I won't be doing my blank expression today since I usually do that when I'm at Hogwarts.

"Merry Christmas to you, too, Professor Snape," said Scorpious to me politely, as I saw him holding a gift making me quite confused why he hasn't put it under the tree.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N," said Draco to me awkwardly, as I nodded to him. I saw his hands on top of Scorpious' shoulder, as I saw a resemblance from the day me and Draco break up, I looked over at Draco's left hand and saw that he wasn't wearing his wedding ring.

"Ugh, Professor," said Scorpious making me go back to reality, looking down at the floor as I saw him blush from embarrassment.

"What is it?" I asked him, impatiently.

"I got this gift for you, I hope you'll like it. Father said it was your favorite back then, and I hope that it's still your favorite," he said as I look through the gift and saw a dozen of Toffees, as I felt myself wanting to cry.

It was odd for Draco to remember that it was my favorite, and for his son, Scorpious, to give me a gift. I stopped the tears from filling my eyes or even falling, as I looked at Scorpious once again.

"It is still my favorite," I told him, as I cupped his face and making him look up at me. "I love it, thank you."

That was when I gave him a smile, as I saw his eyes widened since I know that none of my students (except for Rose, Severus and James) see me smile, like ever, so I understand why he would be so shock of me smiling since I was known as the strict and never-smiled Professor at Hogwarts.

I took my hand away from his face and walked to where I was seated before and put Scorpious' gift beside it.

"Everyone to the kitchen!" shouted George, making everyone laugh, as we followed him into the kitchen where the long dining table is placed. The table was almost filled with delicious and fresh cooked food, you can barely see the table because of how much food there are.

The Half-Blood Princess // Draco Malfoy x Reader (YEAR FOUR)Where stories live. Discover now