2.6K 74 9


Okay, first of all, I'm sorry for not saying anything for the past 2 years about this story.

Second, I'm sorry that I have not been replying to your guys messages.

Third, thank you so much for everything. I have only recently downloaded wattpad again to check on this story for so long and I can't believe that the first part of this fanfic has reached about 100k reads, like WHAT?!
I think the last time I've checked it has only about 1k reads.
This story was something I just made up because I was so bored in summer and didn't expect it to be this large.

Fourth, this chapter has been a DRAFT for about 2 years now and I've never published it. So, this chapter will be not a full chapter and there will be a lot of mistakes. Again, I'm sorry.

Fifth, regarding the thing that I said from the previous chapters that I want to find a person who will actually continue this story for me, uhm, I won't be doing that anymore. I think if someone would take over this story, I feel like the readers would feel different about it.


"Why did I lose motivation? And why did I not continue this story?"

  When I was writing this story, I was stuck with Y/N's mother. I had a huge writer's block about her mother because I didn't know what were going to be her reason why she used a potion and stuff, so that was where I got lost.

  I also started thinking that this story has been just not so good like I thought it would be. Idk.

Here's a question I've asked myself while writing this small message:

"What will I do different if I were given the chance/motivation to re-write this story?"

-I'll probably NOT make Y/N survive the Killing Curse TWICE, because I think that makes her too OP. Like wtf was I thinking?!

-I'll limit my ideas, because back then whenever I would have an idea about Y/N I'd just be like "Oh, that's a good idea, I'll do that NOW.", and then after a few chapters I'll forget about that idea that I had so, the story will then be confusing or maybe that idea will just be useless.

-I'll probably shorten the chapters. Like I've said before, these books have been based from the actual Harry Potter Books (but I did add a few things that was from the movie). Since, the chapters are based off the books, they're pretty long and very tiring to write.

In conclusion, I won't be continuing this story. But, I might publish a chapter in where the ENDING is revealed. Idk if you guys want that, but if you do let me know! I'll publish it in this book.

Again, for the third time, I'm sorry. But, I did hope you somewhat enjoyed my story. It was a blast writing it when it lasted.

Stay safe everyone!


(Draft chapter)

Chapter 11-The Triwizard Tournament

Y/N's POV:

For the rest of the journey Ron was undoubtedly in a bad mood. He didn't talked much (which was new) as we changed into our robes, and still have his dark aura as we stepped off the Hogwarts Express. The rain was now coming thicker and faster that it almost hurst with every drop of rain.

"Hi, Hagrid!" I heard Harry yelled, waving at the gigantic silhouette at the end of the platform.

"All righ', Harry?" Hagrid bellowed back, waving. "See yeh at the feast if we don' drown!"

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