Track twenty-four

Start from the beginning

Thunder hits and I swear the lights flickered.

"Bella" I hear and I turn around. No one

"Bella" I hear again but still; no one.

"Bella" and this time the voice almost hissed and I started running.

"Please Bella, come back" the voices got louder and suddenly the lights go out as soon as lightning strikes.

Then the sound of music comes out of the speakers. It being slow and static.

"In the sun,

In the sun"


"Bella" the sound of many hushed whispers send me chills and I feel like crying, I try to open one of the doers but none of them would open.

I run, faster and faster but the sounds keep getting louder.

"It's all my fault"

And suddenly I feel heavy, I have no where to go. I'm lost, physically and emotionally. I can't open anything and the whole place is pitch black.

And all I remember is the sound of rain and the loud crack of thunder and lighting once again.


"You awake sleepy head?" The voice teasingly coo's and I slowly open my eyes.

"Ashton?" I say and I quickly sit up "You-you're back?" And he grins

"Yeah, guess I am" he says still smiling.

"What happened to you?" We both ask in unison and I giggle

"Well I was stuck in a room for three weeks, but I was sent out early for good behaviour" he says proudly smiling to himself "and you?"

"I left therapy, and then the lights went out, and-and these voices-" before I can say anything else he stops me

"How's Cathy and Nathan?"

"Michael, not Nathan." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah whatever" he says taking a seat on my bed.

"I haven't seen them since you disappeared." I say shrugging and he doesn't say anything. He runs his fingers through his hair taking out his pack of cigarettes looking over.

"Wanna join me?" He asks and I roll my eyes standing up.

"Where do you even get that?" I ask rhetorically and he shrugs

"I know a guy" he says winking as he wraps his free arm around my waist.


I haven't been on the balcony for a while, ever since they left I didn't really have the courage to come out here.

"How have you been?" He asks tapping on the end of the cigarette

"Memories come back here and there, but a lot of them still don't make any sense" I say leaning my head against the wall

He adjusts himself so his elbow is propping up on the balcony railing "how so?"

"They're...vivid I guess. They never come out clearly. They're flashes, they black out so fast I barely have time to think of what's happening in the memory." I say trying to re relate one in my mind, but nothing comes

"I know what you mean" he says taking in the drag "you just have to, I guess." he struggles with his words exhaling a bit.

"No matter how bad the memory is, you just have to .. Find out I guess. You have to face them okay? You're a strong girl Bella, you can do it." and I slowly nod my hands shaking.

"Here" he says handing me a cigarette "better you take it, it'll calm your nerves I promise."

I take the cigarette in between my finger tips slowly motioning him to light it and he softly smiles.

"You've ever done this before, Leanne?" He asks and I softly laugh

"Leanne? We're going by middle names now?" And he shrugs struggling to light the cigarette.

"What's your middle name?" And he stops for a minute thinking, as if he forgot it.

"Fletcher." he says tugging a smile from his lips

"Well, -Fletcher, for your information I have smoked before" I say and he raises his eyebrows

"Wow bad girl Bella over here, someone call the cops" he says sarcastically as he chuckles and I lightly hit him on the shoulder

I take in the cigarette the taste of being bitter but satisfying calms me and he stands there smiling

"When did ya smoke? Were you peer pressured?" He says rolling his eyes.

"Actually, I was at a party, I'm pretty sure." I say, this being one of the only memories clear to me "I was with someone, I forget who but we smoked weed together" I say remember the roll of green

Ashton almost chokes as he laughs loudly.

"You smoked weed?" He asks surprisingly

"Yeah, guess I did." I say breathing out the grey smoke

"Always thought of you as a good girl." he says rolling his eyes.

(A/n I will not shan't not say what you think I'm going to say omg I can practically hear the comments "good girls omf!1!2!2!")

"Well you know, everyone was a somebody before they came to this hell hole." I say and with that, I only see a frown upon Ashton's face.


"Omg I listen to nirvana and the 1975 and panic¡ and watch AHS im so hipSteR !1!1!!1"


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