Chapter Twenty-Three| Jamie

Start from the beginning

"It's when we build forts, then get water balloons and spray guns and have a water fight." He said, smiling. That seems fun.

"Okay let's have a water fight," I giggled

"What's your name, by the way?" he asked.

"Jamie, what's yours?"

"Lucas." He smiled, missing his top front tooth.

I laugh, remembering the day.

How could I not see that was Lucas. Seeing this now makes sense. We had a connection since I got here, and I didn't know why. It might sound crazy, but what if it was fate they made us meet each other again. Maybe this is my only chance to get Lucas.

I tell Kiera I'm going out for a minute and walk over to Lucas's house. Mrs. Cross answers the door; she smiles brightly, letting me in. She tells me Lucas is in his room. Nodding, I head upstairs. My palms start getting sweaty, and my throat becomes dry. I'm about to confess my feelings for Lucas, and I couldn't be more nervous. This will change everything between us if it goes either good or bad.

His door slightly cracked open, and he plays his guitar and sings softly. My stomach does flips. He's singing the song he and I wrote together. I stand for a moment, just wanting to hear more of his lovely voice before interrupting. Pushing the door open, I give a light knock getting his attention. He grins my way, putting his guitar down.

"Hey, I almost thought you were avoiding me or something," he chuckles to himself and pats a spot next to him. I take a seat and turn towards him. Okay, how am I going to do this?

"Yeah, I needed some time alone, is all."

"Sophie would say otherwise. Are you not telling me something?"

Dang, it. I thought Lucas didn't know I was with Sophie the whole week. I don't know why I'm tip-toeing around this. It should be like ripping off a bandaid, quick but painful.

"Look, I'm just going to say it." I take a breath and look him in his baby blue eyes. He furrows his brows in confusion.

"Lucas, I know we're friends. Great friends, actually, but I can't keep what I'm feeling bottled up any longer. I love you Lucas, more than a friend. I know you're with Victoria now, but I needed to tell you."

He doesn't say anything just stares blankly at me. Gosh, why did I do this? Sighing, I get up.

"I'll let you think about what I said. But if you decide to be with Victoria, I don't think I can be your friend." I take the charm bracelet and a photo out of my back pocket and place the items on his desk.

I was hoping he would rush down the steps and call after me. Then declare his love for me, but nothing-just silence. My heart aches, and I give Mrs. Cross a fake smile and rush out the door running back to Kiera's house. I bolt up the steps and go to my room. My face hit the bed, and I let out the tears that were bottling up.

I don't know what I do if he picks her. I wasn't trying to sound like I was giving him an ultimatum either. I know if he chooses Victoria, I couldn't hold myself together around them. The very thought sickens me.

I finally found the boy from all those years ago, and he's in love with someone else. It was wishful thinking I would meet him again, and we fall madly in love. Happy endings are only in fairytales.


The next two days, Lucas skipped school, and I'm starting to think he's avoiding me because he's made up his mind and doesn't know how to tell me. I'm such an idiot! W did I wreck our friendship by telling him I love him? I knew he would avoid me like the plague, and yet I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Is it too late to turn back time?

I skip classes after the first one, Lucas wasn't here again. I couldn't handle being in class when I'm nearly about to break down at any moment. I quickly changed out of my uniform and removed my makeup before putting on a tank top and sweatpants. When I curled up in my bed, I hit my head on the pillow, and tears soaked the cotton pillowcase.

I ruined everything.

A few hours later, I stopped my sobbing and answered a call from Maria. I tried my best to sound happy, but she saw right through me. I told my current situation, and she takes a moment before saying anything.

"Jamie, if Lucas can't see how much more amazing you are than his ex, he honestly doesn't deserve you. Now stop crying over dumb boys, pretty girl," Maria soothes over the phone. I know she's right, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

"I wish you were here, Maria," I mutter, really missing my best friend.

"Well, this might make you feel better. I'm coming over Christmas break." I squeal happy I'll get to spend the summer I missed with my best friend.

"That is fantastic. We're going to have so much fun."

Maria catches me up in the school drama at my old school and makes me laugh for a while before she goes to sleep.

Do you think Lucas will pick Jamie or Victoria?

Please vote and comment. I'd really appreciate it!

I love you guys❤️

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