EiGHT { bathwater }

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TW // this chapter features graphic depictions of violenceabuse, torture methods, and just a lil' blood.

viewer discretion is advised. as of this point you've been warned.

Taehyung noted two things during his first week in Jungkook's cabin.

One: every room that was "off-limits" was locked. The keys to those rooms resided on a keychain Jungkook often had twirling around his fingers, or, if not there, in his left front pants pocket or it was in the right shoe of this pair of boots he only ever wore when he went out and stayed out for most of the day.

Two: one of those keys happened to be a key fob to the car parked outside.

That's his ticket out.

He hadn't mapped out an entire plan yet. He had a few ideas floating around his head that might or might not work out together in the end, but that was only a technicality he would get over when the time came. All that was left was the perfect opportunity to execute it. When that would be... it was hard to tell. 

Of course Taehyung already had numerous chances of escape, but he always hesitated too much. He thought things through to the point where he knew they wouldn't work, after that, he would talk himself out of it before even starting. This plan, however, he would need to do without thinking. Getting in his head would be the death of him if Jungkook wouldn't kill him first.

The past week with Jungkook has been interesting.

Whenever he left the house for groceries, he was always gone for over three hours; either the grocery store was very far away, which meant the town too, or Jungkook was doing something else while out. And whenever he left, he would lock Taehyung in the bathroom suite.

The bathroom had no windows. He had no way to tell what the time was, he couldn't gauge how long he would be in there at a time.

Digging through the cabinets was the first thing he did when Jungkook locked him away the first time. Nothing useful in his situation, of course: rolls of toilet paper, tubes of toothpaste, cotton swabs, and other things of the sort. Either Jungkook cleaned this place out earlier, or it was just barren from the beginning. Everything in the cabinets and drawers was covered in a heap of dust, so Taehyung assumed the latter.

He would lay around in the bathtub while he waited for Jungkook's return, nearly dying of boredom every time.

Jungkook would leave food for him, but Taehyung wouldn't dare touch it. It was always something sad and barely a considerable meal. Crunchy peanut butter between two slabs of stale white bread. A bowl of that bran cereal with dried raisins or strawberries—without milk because Jungkook was kind enough not to leave him with soggy cereal. Taehyung knew he wouldn't lace any of his food, he had no reason to, but he still refused to touch it despite his rumbling stomach during those long hours.

Every night, Jungkook insisted they sleep in the same bed, and he insisted they sleep close together. There was no excuse not to—not one that Jungkook would accept anyways. With the heater not working, the bedroom, and the entire house, was inescapably freezing cold. Not even three extra blankets could stop them from shuddering with chills every so often. So of course Jungkook was quick to suggest they continue sleeping in the same bed, and of course he wouldn't take no for an answer.

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