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Football GameAbby was sitting with Liv in the bleachers watching the game

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Football Game
Abby was sitting with Liv in the bleachers watching the game. She spotted Spencer and Marco in a huddle with the rest of team. Marco was giving football a shot and wanted to see if he can manage both. Abby did not know much about football but she knew that Jordan was about to get tackled if he did not do something. Spencer blocked the guy and Jordan scored the touch down. Abby and Liv both cheered for their team screaming and shouting. They both went down to congratulate the team. Abby noticed Liv was looking for Spencer but Layla beat her to it. Liv had a sad face now. Abby walked up to her brother and gave him a hug but she was really looking for Jordan. Jordan spotted her and walked up to her. "That was a nice touch down." Abby smiled at him. "Yeah, It was all Spencer" Jordan smirked at her. "You know that was not nice what you did to my brother..I thought you were different Jordan" Abby looked down. "I'm sorry I apologized to him Abby. Trust me I am not like that. I just found out something that day and I didn't care who got hurt in the way. But I am sorry it won't happen again Abby" Abby looked up at him. "I mean if my brother forgives you I should too, but I would like to know the real Jordan someday" Jordan gave her a cheesy smile. "I promise you will" Abby smiled and walked away. Jordan had butterflies in his stomach, he never got them before. Jordan was crushing hard on Abby he just didn't want to accept it yet.

Abby and Marco got home. "So, how are you feeling about football" Abby asked Marco. "It's alright, I'm just not feeling the connection with the team" Marco sighed. "If you give it time, they'll warm up to you" Abby tried to make him feel better. "I know but I can't compete with Spencer, there's no way I'll ever be better than him, I think I'll have a better chance at getting a scholarship with baseball." Marco explained. "Yeah, I get it. But you can still be friends with them when you have time." Abby just wanted Marco to be happy with what he chose.

Liv invited Abby over to her house for they could get ready for the boosters party, since both of their families are going to be there. "Hey" Liv welcomed Abby at her door. "Hi!" Abby was dressed already she just needed to curl her hair. "So, what's a booster party?" Abby asked Liv. "Just a bunch of old blowhards knocking back craft cocktails and congratulating themselves about a football team they had nothing to do with. But they fund the sports program, so my dad sucks it up, and with Beverly coming off yet another losing season, the pressure's on and that's where Spencer comes in." Liv explained. "Wow, sounds fun" Abby was being sarcastic. They both walk downstairs. Abby spots Jordan, they smile at each other. Spencer walks in underdressed. "Spencer we're leaving, get dressed" Coach tells him. "I am dressed" Spencer replies. "Throw on a blazer" Abby felt bad for him but she wanted to help. "I don't have one" Spencer explained. "You guys go, Me and Liv will help him. We'll meet you there" Liv smiled at Spencer. "Ok" Coach, Jordan & Laura left. "I'll wait for you guys down here." Abby told Liv and Spencer. Abby wanted to give them some alone time. Abby saw the way Liv looked at Spencer, She knew Liv was starting to like him.

At the booster party
Spencer walked in with Liv and Abby by his side. Layla walked up to us and interrupted our conversation. "Spencer thank god you're here" Liv rolled her eyes. Abby just wanted all of them to be friends. "I didn't know you'd be here" Spencer was surprised. "I'm Stu-co president, we sponsor all student events" Layla bragged. "Sorry if interrupted you guys" Layla told us. "You didn't" "I mean hey why stop now" Abby and Liv said at the same time. Spencer felt the tension between Liv and Layla. "Well, when you have a minute I know the boosters are dying to meet you" Layla walked away. "Can't wait" Spencer replied.
Abby walked around by herself trying to find someone to talk to. She couldn't talk to Jordan because he was talking to the boosters. She didn't see Liv. Her family was there but they were helping Marco get to know the boosters. She spotted Layla by herself so she went up to her. "Hey, seat taken?" Abby asked. "No, go ahead" Layla half smiled. "Why are you here alone?" Abby was curious. "I mean I'm always alone and sometimes I don't feel like being fake to adults." "What do you mean always?" Abby asked "My dad travels a lot for work..New York, Paris." "Hey at least you know where your dad is" Spencer walked up to them over hearing their conversation. "My dad left a few years ago. I ain't seen him since. He got a god job somewhere and we weren't part of the plan" Abby felt bad for Spencer because she loved her dad and hoped that never happened to her and Marco. "Well, my dads always about the big plan..producing career, wife he's madly in love with. Two years ago we were all in aspen my mom never liked to ski. She said she wanted to go home and asked me to come with her. She never made it to the airport. She was just gone." Layla sighed. "I'm sorry Layla I didn't know." Abby explained to her. Abby's eyes teared up because she knew that if her mom were to pass away it would break her heart. "Im sorry i just thought you had it made" Spencer told her. "You Can come from anywhere and have a sad story Spencer." Layla looked at him. "You should go back to the party Spencer" Abby knew Spencer had people to impress. He should not be spending all his time with us. Spencer walked away. "Hey I think I know you better know Layla. I could tell we're going to be good friends." Abby hugged her. Layla didn't tell Abby but that hug meant more to her than anything. Her dad is never home so she never received any type of love from anybody besides Asher. "Here's my number text me. When you want. Anytime Anywhere." Abby smiled at Layla. "I got you" Layla smiled back. Layla smiled genuinely for the first time and didn't have to fake it. She noticed that she only did that around Abby and Spencer. Abby went to go look for her parents because she was over this party and wanted to leave. Abby heard a fight about to happen so she walked over to the group of people. "That's right! Jordan Baker is the one that gave Chatsworth the tip" Abby was shocked. "Are you serious? You're the reason I can't go home at night!" Spencer was angry. He wanted to punch someone but coach held him down. Jordan walked up to Abby. "It's not what it looks like" "so you just decided to be a jerk again" Abby did not know how to feel about him. "It's not like that okay" Jordan moved her to a more quite place. "I had just scored and I felt on top of the world. I felt like I finally made my dad proud and then I turn around and he's congratulating Spencer calling him son" "In that moment I got mad, I didn't know what the consequences would be" Jordan explained to Abby. "You know I get it. It just sucks that Spencer can't even spend his nights with his family no more you know.." Abby was always caring about others. That's why Jordan liked her. "Plus today I learned that no matter where you're from you can have a sad story, just be more aware of who you're hurting Jordan and you'll be okay" Abby smiled at him. She understood why he did it, she just felt bad for Spencer. Abby walked away and found her parents to go home.

// so Abby needs a hobby/talent. I was thinking she should be singer but Idk. Any ideas would be helpful ??? :) xx

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