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The Next Day

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The Next Day

Abby and Layla arrived to school together. They both spotted Liv and walked up to her. Liv smiled at them. "Hey" "Next time I'm sleeping over also" Liv laughed. "Can I ask you something?" Layla turned to Liv. "Is it okay if I sleep over at your place for a few days I'm not comfortable sleeping by myself yet.." Layla was still frightened from the robbery. "Of course, anytime you don't have to ask" Abby felt bad for Layla. "You can sleep at mines also" Abby insisted. Layla smiled. "There's your boyfriend" Liv pushed Abby's shoulder lightly. Abby smiled as she spotted Jordan across the hall. Abby left before they could finish teasing her. "Hey you" Abby walked up to Jordan cautiously. "There's my girl" Jordan grabbed her waist and pulled in for a kiss. Abby did not want to let go but she was shy others would see. "I just want to make sure everybody knows you're my girl" Jordan pondered over abby's eyes filled with lust. Abby loved staring into Jordan's eyes, she got lost in them. "I don't mind" Abby pushed herself closer. "I'm excited to see you play today" Abby explained. "If we win this game we go to state champions" Jordan was anxious, but before he could start thinking about what could happen at the game Abby kissed him. "That was for good luck"Abby kissed him again. "That was for looking so cute" Abby got closer to his lips but pulled away. "and you can get more after you win tonight" Abby smirked. Jordan was left stunned and wanting more. He had the confidence he needed and could not wait to celebrate later with Abby. Jordan led out a frustration grunt, holding himself back from going after her and kissing her. Abby walked to class with a big smile.

Football Game

Abby sat down next to the bakers during the game. She had Jordan's number painted on her face. Abby was cheering for Beverly Hills, and when Jordan had the ball she would call out his name. "Common Jordan you can do it". Jordan looked up at her when he could, it made him happy knowing he had someone other than his family cheering for him. He finally felt seen by someone.
After Beverly Hills won, everybody went down to congratulate the team. Abby hugged Marco, Spencer. Abby was looking around for Jordan. Jordan screamed "Abby over here". Abby couldn't hold in her excitement so she ran up to Jordan and he caught her. "You did it" Abby kissed him. "I couldn't do it without seeing your pretty face up there" Jordan smiled. Abby felt at home when she was with Jordan. Abby wanted to tell him that she loved him but she did not want to scare him away. Jordan loved her, he just was not sure if she was ready to hear it from him. "I'll see you at your house after this, I have to talk to Spencer" "okay drive safely" Jordan gave Abby one last kiss.
Abby walked to the locker rooms. She spotted Spencer walking out. "Spencer hold up" Abby ran up next to him. "Hey, what's up" Spencer replied. "I just wanted to see how you're doing after seeing your dad here" Abby asked. "I'm alright, I was just surprised. I don't know how to act around him" Spencer sighed. "Just take some time to talk to him, hear his part of the story. He just wants to get to know you." Abby hoped he would take her advice. "Have you talked to Layla?" Spencer asked. "Yeah she stayed at my house last night" Abby was worried about Layla. "She's very good at hiding how she feels. You should talk to her Spencer. She says she's ok but there's more that she won't talk about." Abby sighed. "I can't blame her for not wanting to be alone in that house. I'll make sure to check on her. Thanks for looking out for everybody Abby." Spencer smiled at her. "Do you need a ride to the Bakers, I'm supposed to go over anyways so?" Abby asked. "Yeah, sure" Spencer and Abby walked to her car. "Sorry to interrupt" Corey came up to them. "I just wanted to congratulate you. That was one hell of a game" Abby felt the awkwardness. "Thanks" Spencer replied. "This is my friend Abby" "This is um Corey James" Abby smiled and shook his hand. "I was thinking I could take you to dinner" Corey asked. "We got plans" Spencer insisted. "Nice to meet you" Abby did not want to be rude. Abby and Spencer left to the Bakers house.

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