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The next day

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The next day

Abby was making breakfast when she got a text from Jordan.
Jordan 💗
-meet me at our spot??

Abby threw on her favorite sweater on and drove to the beach. She saw Jordan playing with the sand and walked up to him. "Hey.." Abby said. "Hey..you want to sit?" Abby sat next to Jordan. "I just want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shut you out, I messed up you're the only person that's been on my side. Can you forgive me?" Jordan grabbed Abby's hand. "Of course but only if you promise to never shut me out again." Abby explained. "I promise." Jordan got closer to Abby. She let Jordan rest his head on her shoulder and hugged him. "Jordan..you can't let this anger take over you. You have to start playing for yourself, not your dad." Jordan knew Abby was right. "I know" Abby loved sharing moments like this with Jordan. Where they talked about their problems and shared advice. Abby had strong feelings for Jordan, she was starting to love him, but did not want to tell him, scared that he might not feel the same way. "Can I get a good luck kiss for tonight's big game?" Jordan asked. "hmmm idk" Abby teased. She grabbed Jordan's face with her two little hands and smothered him with kisses. "We should get going I have to get ready soon" Abby felt safe with Jordan. "Okay..see you at my game princess" Jordan walked Abby to her car. "Good luck baby" Abby pecked Jordan on the lips one more time before she drove to her house and got ready for today's state championship game.

Championship Game

Abby arrived and looked around for Ms.Baker and Olivia. She spotted them and sat next to them. "Hello Ms.Baker, and Liv" Abby greeted them. "Hey" They both replied. She sat next to Liv. "how are you doing?" Abby asked Liv. Liv appreciated Abby for asking but didn't want to talk about it right now next to her mom. "Good, Can we talk later though. Please" Liv replied. "Yes, of course" Abby was worried about the Bakers, she had a feeling everything was going to change for them. "I think we were a little hard on Layla" Abby wanted to apologize to Layla, but still had not seen her. "Yeah, you're right. I took my anger out on her when it wasn't her fault." Liv admitted. Abby saw the boys walking out starting to warm up for the game. She looked around until she spotted Jordan. Abby could tell Jordan was avoiding his dad. She also spotted Spencer and Marco. Marco had been spending most of his days with his new friend but Abby still did not know who the girl was.
Throughout the game Chris got injured and Spencer felt like it was his fault so he went to the locker room. Spencer later came back before the game was over and helped Beverly Hills Team win the Championship.

Abby went down to the field with everybody else to congratulate the team. She looked for Jordan but could not spot him. "Abby" Jordan shouted behind her. Abby turned around and saw Jordan, she ran up to him. Jordan picked her up and kissed her. "You did it" Abby hugged Jordan. "I couldn't do it without you. Talking to you earlier really helped me get my head in the game. I love you." Jordan blurted out. Abby was speechless. She could not believe Jordan just told her that he loved her. Abby did not know what to say. "Jordan..I.." Before Abby could finish telling him that she loved him back they got interrupted. "Yo, party at my house to celebrate" JJ shouted, he left before they both could reply back. Jordan felt awkward. "I should go and look for my brother" Abby replied. "Yeah, do you want to go to JJ's party?" Jordan scratched his head awkwardly. "Yes, I'll meet you there I'll probably get a ride from Marco." Abby pecked Jordan on the lips and quickly walked away. She looked around for Marco until she spotted him. "Hey, that was a good game!" Abby hugged Marco. "You bet" Marco gloated. "You going to JJ's party?" Abby asked. "Duh. My friend is meeting me there" Marco smirked. Abby was getting frustrated trying to figure out who Marco has been secretly seeing. Abby and Marco went home to get ready for JJ's party.

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