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Bakers House

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Bakers House

Abby arrived as she secretly hoped she wouldn't run into Jordan. Liv and Abby walked up to Liv's room. "I thought by now you and Jordan would be kissing each other non stop." Liv wanted Abby and Jordan to get back together. Abby was confused. "Why would we be doing that?" Abby asked. "He didn't tell you?" Liv was shocked. "Tell me what??" Abby eagerly asked. "Okay that's weird. But Simone's baby is not Jordan's. He's not the dad. I thought Jordan would've told you the second he found out." Abby was shocked and secretly happy. (Could this mean Abby and Jordan could get back together?) Abby was also angry Jordan did not tell her. "I'm going to go talk to him" Abby nervously walked to Jordan's room. She lightly knocked on the door. "Come in" Jordan yelled.

Jordan was surprised to see Abby. "hey.." Abby replied awkwardly. "why didn't you tell me you aren't the dad of simone's baby?" Abby angrily asked. "I didn't think you cared..plus I think you're doing a good job at moving on I wouldn't want to ruin that.." Jordan sadly confessed. "It was you.." Abby knew someone was watching her and Darnell last night. "You're wrong" Abby rolled her eyes. "I haven't moved on..the reason I was hugging Darnell was because his step-dad just died..how do you think him and Spencer are doing.." Abby looked down. "Next time you want to assume something man up and just ask me Jordan." Abby left Jordan's room without letting him respond. Jordan felt guilty for assuming Abby would move on so quick. He also felt sad for his friend Spencer and texted him right away.

Abby walked into Liv's room. "well that went horrible" Abby sighed. "What happened??" Liv asked. "He didn't tell me because he saw me hug Darnell outside my house..but you know what happened, he was just sad that's why we were hugging" Abby was frustrated. "I get it. Plus you should know by now how easy Jordan gets jealous" Liv laughed. "You're right. I wish sometimes he would just trust me.." Abby sighed. "I have news about Layla" Liv changed the topic. Abby waited for her to continue. "She admitted herself to a mental help center. Her dad is taking her today." Abby was shocked but also happy for Layla. "Omg, I just hope she's okay or will be okay.." Abby just wanted Layla to be happy. "I should call her" Abby replied. "There's also something else you should know.." Liv started to smile. "Spill!!" Abby demanded. "Me and Asher are a thing now..like a relationship.." Liv covered her face. "Omg! I'm happy for you! Look at you blushing!" Abby playfully shoved Liv's shoulder. "We're taking things slow, but it feels right" Liv smiled. Abby was happy for her friend. Liv and Abby spent all day watching movies and catching up on their own drama. It was getting late so Abby decided she should go home. Abby was walking out towards the living room when she saw Jordan.

"Can we talk?" asked Jordan. Abby got closer to him. "I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you the moment I found out." Jordan admitted. "It's okay..how are you? how is she?" Abby really hoped Jordan did not hurt Simone. "We'll im relieved..you know I still have college and football so in a way i'm glad the baby is not mine, but I also feel bad for Simone because the baby's real dad does not want to be apart of their life." Abby also felt bad for Simone. "Oh wow..what are you going to do..?" Abby knew Jordan was going to the right thing. "I don't know yet..I miss you Abby..I miss us..but I don't want to hurt you more than I already have..Can we try to be friends..I want to be there for Simone's pregnancy and still help her.." Abby sighed. "I can't just ignore the feelings I have for you Jordan..I still love you..but if that's what you want..I'm going to need some space before we try to be friends.." Abby awkwardly smiled. "It's okay I get it. I'll always be here for you Abby..you know how they say right person wrong time, I feel like that's us.." Jordan did not want to let go of Abby. "Yeah..maybe someday in the future we'll fine our way back to each other..goodbye Jordan" Abby smiled and walked away. Jordan's heart hurt watching Abby walk away. Abby knew even if they tried to get back together she would have to fight for his attention. Abby knew her worth and right now Jordan was not right for her.

a/n: I know this is a Abby and Jordan fanfic but things are changing for now ! 😏
To all my Jabby shippers i'm sorry don't hate me 🥺

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