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Abby arrived at the party

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Abby arrived at the party. She saw Layla getting drunk with JJ. Abby decided to go up to them. "Hey have any of you seen Jordan?" Layla was not thinking right so what she said next shocked Abby. "Yeah I saw him go upstairs with a girl" Abby rolled her eyes and started walking upstairs. She had a bad feeling about this. Abby went room to room until she found the one Jordan was in. She opened the door and saw Jordan standing. Abby saw a girl walking towards her. "Great she's here, maybe you can tell her or else i will" Abby was confused by what she said. Jordan did not want Abby to find out like this. The girl left the room. "So who was that? I think I need to sit down first before you answer" Abby watched Jordan walk back and forth. Jordan did not want to tell her, he did not want to hurt her. Jordan couldn't believe this was happening to him.

Jordan sat next to Abby and grabbed her hands. "Abby..that was Simone. She came here looking for me because she thinks the baby she's having is mine. The night you decided not to go with me to the party I was a little upset. I started drinking with JJ, until I blacked out. I don't remember much about that night only little pieces. That morning Simone walked out of the room I was in..I did not cheat on you Abby I promise. I love you so much. Please believe me baby..." Jordan begged. Abby was speechless. Their relationship was coming to an end. Abby fought back her tears from coming out.
"Jordan I don't really know what to say.. I think you need to talk to your family first..Simone is probably really scared right now..she..she needs you. I don't know if I believe her..she knows we've been in a relationship..so maybe she was just as drunk as you..idk..What do you want me to say?" Abby looked down with a sad face. "I know I messed up" Jordan felt overwhelmed with all his feelings. He was confused and in shock. "look at me.." Abby lifted his chin up. "You're going to figure this out. Don't worry about me and you right now. We'll put it on pause until you know for sure if this baby is really yours. I love you Jordan. You're going to be okay." Abby could feel the tears wanting to come out. "I love you too. This is not going to ruin us Abby. Please just wait for me" Jordan got closer to hug Abby. She pushed him away. Abby knew if he hugged her, she was going to start crying. "I have to go" Abby walked away. Once she closed the door, her tears finally came out. Abby was trying to hold in her tears walking down the hall. Abby wiped her tears when she finally found Liv and heard some of the conversation Liv and Layla were having.

"Too bad Spencer hasn't shown up. Well, he's single now, hide and go get it would be the perfect chance for you to make your move. Although if he came in and saw you alone with all this booze, he might try to send you back to rehab." Layla was drunk. "What is wrong with you?" Abby screamed at Layla. "I don't know. Abby! Maybe I'm pissed that my so-called best friend and ex tried to ambush me with a fake family reunion and a crazy doctor." Layla argued. "And so what? This party's what? Payback? What's the plan? You gonna poison my seltzer or dance me to death?" Liv interrupted them. "They were just trying to help because we all care about you, Layla." Abby calmed down. "Is that why Spencer ghosted after the intervention didn't go his way, 'cause he cares?" Layla sarcastically asked. "Wow!" Liv couldn't believe what Layla was saying. "His dad left again and you're pissed that he didn't text you. Layla common this is not you. Stop being a petty bitch. Talk to me when the real sober Layla is back." Abby walked away ready to go home. "What?" Layla looked at Liv.

Abby got home and she saw her mom on the couch watching tv. Abby knew she had to tell her. "Mom?" Abby had sad eyes. "Yes honey. How was Jordan and Liv's birthday?" Abby's mom asked. "Ughhh. Not what anybody expected." Abby took her jacket off. "Common sit down." Abby's mom patted the couch. " Jordan didn't show up at his house and I had it all decorated with balloons and his presents. I decided to rub it off and still go to their secret party when I got there Jordan told me he might've gotten a girl pregnant.." Abby's mom felt bad that her little girl was getting hurt. Abby felt her mom's hug and she couldn't hold it in any longer. Abby cried in her moms shoulder until there were no more tears. "Common sweetie you'll be okay. Tomorrow will be a better day. I love you. Boys will come and go. This heartbreak won't last forever. I promise." Abby's mom rubbed her hair lightly. Abby decided to get up and go to her room. "Thanks mom. I love you goodnight" Abby kissed her mom on the cheek before going upstairs. Abby got to her room and took of her clothes before going to bed. Abby went to sleep sad that night knowing her and Jordan's relationship might be coming to an end.


At the Bakers house, Mr. and Mrs. Baker we're stressing out trying to figure out how to help out Jordan. Jordan was in his room taking down the decorations Abby left. Jordan knew he should've just came home instead of going to his party. Jordan opened up the presents Abby left him. He loved everything and wished Abby was there. Jordan put the keychain on his keys, and set the picture of him and Abby next to his bed. Jordan did not know what was going to happen next, but he loved Abby and was not going to let go of her so easily. Jordan went to sleep that night thinking he could fix everything.

- a/n I decided Simone should still be the one with the baby just for some drama :')

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