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Abby went home the next morning when she got a text from Layla

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Abby went home the next morning when she got a text from Layla.

Layla 💜

- hey can you come over ? I need to talk to you about something

- yeah let me just get ready :)

Abby was curious to know what Layla wanted to talk about. She hopped in the shower and got ready. Once Abby was done getting ready she headed to Layla's house.
Abby knocked on Layla's door. "Come in" Layla shouted from the living room. "Hey" Abby said awkwardly. "Hey, so do you want me to just get to it" Layla asked. "Yes please" Abby laughed. "Okay. So long story short Coop asked me to be her producer and I said yes so I started my own label. Right now it's only Coop, but I booked her a couple of gigs and they're starting on summer break." Layla explained. "Omg Layla that's great! Congrats!" Abby hugged her. "Thanks. The reason I asked you to come is because we could really use an awesome photographer that could take really cool pics of Coop at her shows. We both want you to be the one to take them. I'll even pay you." Layla waited for Abby's response. "I do need a summer job, and working with my best friend doesn't sound too bad. We get to hang out more, and I get to take pictures. uhmmmm YES I'll do it!!!" Abby said excitedly. "Yes!!! I'm calling Coop right now!" Layla hugged Abby. "I do have to make sure my parents are okay with it first though" Abby brought up. "I'll make sure my dad calls them he's going to be at most of the spots so we won't be lonely." Layla smiled. Layla dialed Coops number. "Hey what's up?" Coop answered. "So we have an answer from Abby." Layla replied. "Tell me she said yes?" Coop waited for Layla's response. "She said Yes!" Layla screamed. "Ohh Yes! Abby's this is going to be good for all of us!" Coop said loudly were Abby could hear. Abby smiled she was excited. Layla said bye to Coop and hanged up. "Okay so how are you going to tell Darnell that you're leaving for a couple of weeks?" Layla calmly asked. "I don't know..we just had this awesome kiss last night and now I have to tell him I'm leaving.." Abby was getting sad now. "Hey if he really likes you he'll wait for you." Layla grabbed her hand. "Spencer said he would wait for me. I just don't know how I'm going to survive without seeing him for so long." Layla sighed. "We can't be like this throughout the whole tour. How about we make a deal?" Abby suggested. "No boy talk all summer. Just girls doing girl things while girl bossing" Abby smirked. "Period! Let's do this!" Layla had not been this happy in a long time. She couldn't wait to spend all summer with Abby doing what they both love. "Start packing! We leave next week!" Layla told Abby. "Okay! Relax! I will" Abby laughed at Laylas bossy attitude. Abby had to go home and ask her parents before she could even think about packing.

Once Abby got home she saw her dad on his computer, probably going through old cases. Her mom was in the kitchen making a smoothie. "Can I talk to you and mom?" Abby asked her dad. "Yeah sweetie what's up?" Her dad quickly shut off his computer and gave his daughter all his attention. "Mom can you come over here" Abby got her mom's attention. "Coming" Abby's mom grabbed her smoothie and walked over to them. "What happened?" They both asked. "Okay, so I have this really big opportunity to take pictures of Coop on her tour. It won't be just me, Layla and her father will both be there. If you both let me. It starts next week and i'll be gone all summer break. So what do you think? Can I go?" Abby looked at them with pleading eyes. "We have to talk to Layla's dad first. But yeah I don't see why not, just make sure you're safe and please FaceTime us when you can." Abby's dad smiled at her. Abby was excited and happy they said yes. "Can we come visit you at least once" Abby's mom asked. "Of course mom! I'll be okay" Abby hugged her mom. Abby ran up to her room and quickly sent Layla a text saying her parents said yes.

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