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"Your getting married?" I asked him. Leo was off somewhere with Nico, probably telling him the same thing luke was telling me.

He gave me a sheepish smile, "yeah? He asked because I needed to stay and I do love him-"

"You've known him a month," I cut him off, "maybe even less,"

"It's a fanfiction, just let it happen,"

"I guess. But we need to figure out other stuff as well,"

"Like what?"

"The fact that people are still going missing. Everything is the exact same as when we came,"

Luke's face turned serious, and I think he realized what needed to happen. "Percy, you can't actually be thinking about it,"

I looked up at him. Why should he care about a screw up like me? It would be better like this, better for everyone.

"Don't do this,"

"If it's water than maybe I have a chance, maybe I could go in and investigate,"

"Than I'm going with you,"








"Yay! I can go," he said happily. Dang it, He had tricked me again.

"Fine, but we go now,"

He nodded and we walked forward from the edge of the each and into the water. Than we collapsed.

~time skip~

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and looked around. I was on a beach, and next to me was a boy. Very close next to me.

We're we together? And who were we? Where were we?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a curly haired elfish boy and a Italian running towards us. "Percy, Luke," they breathed out.

Me and the boy next to me both looked at them in confusion, "who?"

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