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Luke sat in the tree he normally did. This was where he had always gone to clear my head, and he needed to think more than he needed to breathe.

"Percys getting better," luke heard a voice from behind him. He looked around to see Leo staring up at him.

After the elfish boy climbed up the tree he continued to look at Luke, "what are you gonna do now?"

Luke shrugged, "I don't know. I don't want to just leave Percy, but.."

"But you don't want to go back down there,"

"How do you know so much about the way I work? About my wants and needs? You always seemed so happy,"

"Didn't percy always seem so happy as well?"

That took Luke by surprise, "Leo, your not gonna..."

"No. I just can't stay here anymore, I'm tired of faking. When I laugh I want to laugh. When I smile I want to be happy. When I'm broken, I want to say I need help. I want to be okay again,"

"What do you mean?"

"I-uh-I want to go with you. When you leave, I want to go too,"

"Leo, you'll die,"

"Yeah but i night actually be me if I do,"

Luke hesitated for a moment, before smiling. "I guess it'll just be me and you,"

"I guess so. Ready to leave now?"

"I'm ready to get the hell out of hades profile,"

"Then let's go,"

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