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The fireball in Leo's hand lit up the whole hideout, although it was only two sleeping bags and a bag.

They had both agreed that Luke should go out because he knew how to be stealthy, something Leo was not good at.

He was snapped out if his thoughts by Luke screaming at him from outside.

After opening the small door, Leo crawled out and found Luke a little bit away from the hideout, standing next to the son of Poseidon.

The odd thing was, riptide wasn't in percys hands. It was in Luke's.

"Um, Luke? What's going on?"

Luke just looked scared and confused, "I don't know. All my life Percy had always been smiling, and now he asked me to kill him. I thought you would know what to do,"

What? Percy asked Luke to....Leo couldn't even wrap his head around that idea. Sure, he knew what it had been like to be faking, but percy?

"We have to take him back to camp," Leo finally said, although he knew that meant he would be going too.

"What! No, I'm not going back there," Percy immediately protested.

"Yes, you are," a different voice called out.

Leo looked up to the trees to be met by a familiar and friendly face. Nico di Angelo hopped down and looked at Luke, "your supposed to be dead,"

And then he turned around and looked at Leo, "and your supposed to be at camp,"

"Yeah, well you and Percy should be there too,"

"No one even realized I was gone, only that Percy left,"

"So you know why he left then,"

"I do,"

"You gonna tell me, death breath?"

Nico looked at Percy before turning back to Leo and taking a deep breath. "After you left, camp said that they would try and find you but that you were most likely dead,"


"But, then Percy let it slip he wish he was out there dying instead of you. After people realized what that meant, he ran away,"

"Then why'd you come?"

"There was no convincing him to come back to camp, but at least he could be safer with numbers,"

"But you have to know that he's not safe. With all these weapons, he's going to try-he's going to-you know,"

"What about Luke?" Nico asked, causing the blond who hadn't spoken yet to stop and stare.

"Wh-what about me?" Luke asked.

"Your supposed to be dead, are you just gonna show up at camp?"

"I'll do what's needed to protect Percy, besides, I can always run away again,"

"Fine, let's go before Percy can do anything worse,"

But in the one moment that none of them were looking, Percy had already stabbed him self,

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