Chapter 5

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**thats a picture of me and the girls**
#fake not pretty!!😂✌️

Laurenn p.o.v

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and backon. my favorite. I turned around and Austin wasn't there. I got up and walked to the kitchen see Austin and Alex making everyone breakfast I rubbed my eyes and closed the door but Austin didn't hear but when Alex seen my I put my hand over mouth to let him know I was gonna scare Austin I came up to and grabbed his waist and screamed boo while squeezing his sided. he dropped a pancake and I jus laughed my butt off and so did Alex.

Austin: "shit Laurenn you scared tf out of me."

"I can tell" I said stil trying to stop laughing

He turned around to pick up the pancake he dropped and threw it at Alex who was still laughing and I fell to the floor laughing.

Alex: Laurenn calm down your gonna pass out.... breathe breathe breathe."I breathed a little but was still laughing.

"That's it" Austin picked me bridal style and took me to the basketball court in the other room and hung me upside down on the goal. He let go and let me hang there...

"Holy shit Austin get me down aahhhh"

Alex ran in and started laughing again.

"Shut up Alex " I snapped and crossed my arms while my hair dangled under me.

Alex stop laughing and walked next to Austin. "how long should she stay up there" Alex looked at Austin. "I'd say until we finish cooking breakfast. "what you can't leave me hanging here the whole time!!"

Austin: "yes we can beautiful... we'll be don't in 20 minutes."

"Are you guys serious Alex your suppose to be on my side!."

"Sorry girlie gotta take the bro's side it's pretty funny."

"Pay backs a bitch yall" I said before they walk out. I sat tere wondering what to do and I figured I could get out since I was in gymnastics. I pulled my self up and sat on the top of the goal wondering how to get them back.

Then it popped in my head I could act like I got hurt when they come back and they would feel back for keeping me up here... no it needs to be good.

I thought and thought looking around and relied there was nets around the room that looked like the ones I used to climb on so I did some stuff on it until I heard them lauging. I jump back on the goal and sat on the goal at th top of the glass waiting looking like a boss.

"Look who desided to come back." I said looking down at them as they stood shocked at where i was.

Austin:"Laurenn how did you get up there?"

"Oh by the way I was in gymanstics and cheerleading for 7 years." I said while getting up on the goal and makeing my Jump for the net again.

Austin:" Laurenn no!!"

I grab the net an grab the string that was hanging and wrapped myself in it so I could hang upside down.

Alex:"wow how can you do that?"

Austin:" you look hot..... wait hold up Laurenn your gonna get hurt come down from there.

"Why you left me on the goal like this is the net any different?"

Austin:"cause it's not safe and I don't want you hurt."

"Ok fine buzz kill." I untangleyself but when I got loose I slip a little but play it of my climbing and swinging to the net.

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