Chapter 19

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I feel like I lost all of you!!)):

the sun shining throgh he blinds wake me and i move to try and go bac to sleep but Austin was holding onto me to tight so i couldnt. *bep beep* what was that?

i look over to see Austins phone lit up saing he hd a message. i didnt worry about it since i trust him. *beep beep* it went of again...its early who is textin him so much? i hit Austin to wake him up.

"what babe lemme sleep five more minute!!" *beep beep* "what was that?" he turned and looked at me still half aseep.

'your freakin phone is keeps going off." i said pointing to it.

"its probably just twiiter."

"then check."

"uugh fine if itll make you happy"

he turns and grabs his phone and puts it oere we bthcan see i. some was acually twitter but on ws from Becky..

Fom: Becky

To: Austin

"Hey Austy havent seen you in a  while i miss you cutie. we should get tgether this week :* ~xoxo"

i felt my face get red with anger. does she not wach tv. or get n social media!! Austin is mine..

"babe calm down i can feel you shaking. im not gonna nser or talk to her im with you. i dont ned he cause  i got the perfect girl." i blushd and hid my face in the sheets. i should have known. hes faithful an he loves me. he wouldt lie to me right? right. ok chang the subject befre you think to much again.

"well.." he said putting his phone down an puting his arm around me.

"how many places let?"

"one" the mil on my face faded. whe the tour is over. i'll have to go home.. ad Austin will go backto Miami...we wouldnt each other. i elt my eyes stink and Austin lifted up my cin so i could lookat him.

"babe whats wrong?' he looked worried but suprised. i havent cried ina while...

"well. whn the tour is over. ill have to go back home and youll go back to MIami...i wont b able to see you" i couldnt hold it back anymore. he plled my into a tigh hug and i crid into his shoulder.

shh....shhh.. its ok its ok.. " he paused and i thought he was dne until he said "i can fix that."


"what are you doing Austin give me my phone!"

"i bought it! plus i gotta use it."

"your never gonna let that go are you? and you have your own phone!"


"did youjust 'shh' me!!!"

"SHHHH" he waved his hand whle he put my phone up to his ear.

i crossed myarms and leaned on my hip. he started walking outside and i tried to follow but he slammed the door in my face before i could walk out.

i coul hear him talking mom? why? oh gosh....ok fine two can pay at that game. i grab his phone off the kitchen couner and try to open it but it has a passcoe. i cussed under my breath. what is it? his birthday? nope. m birthday? nope.. hat if it was he day we met? awh that would be so cute!i tried it and BOOM!!! that was it. awhh!!! ok anyway. i go to his contacts and look for someone to call.. i look and find the perfect person.


T= hello?

L= Hey Tyler!!

T= Hey wasup peach! (inside joke hahah)

L= nothing. Austin stole my phone and is talking to someone so i got his and idk we havent heard from you in a while. how ya been?

T= prtty good. ooh i got a new girl shes gorgeous.

L= who?

T= her names Graison.

L= that sonds familiar... oh well im happy for you!!

the dooropens and AUstin coes in wth a smile on his face abot to say something ut then e gos confsed and poijnts like hes asking who im talking to.

T= ya i cant wit till yall meet her.

L= k welli g2g Austn back and hes giving me a wierd look.

T= hahah ok bye Peach.

L= bye strawberry and i hung up

(end of conversation)

"who was that?" he grabbed hs phone.

"who was that?" i grabbed my phone mocking him.

" i sked first."

'"ok fine Tyler. know who did you call?" i already knw i jus wanted to see if he lied.

"umm Alex."

"oh really. and you coldnt use your phone for that?"




"you heard me. Austin mahone is a L-I-A-R! LIAR!!!"

"no im not!!"

"yep..ya are"

"NO im not. ok lemme see who ya called." i pulled out my phone and wen to call log. i seen Alexs name but two others i didnt know and my moms. "Austin who are all tese people?"

"told you im not a liar.. and its  suprise." hewink and walked up stairs an i folowed.

"what kind of suprie.?"

"a good one youll love. now get packng cause we are going tp PCB babe!! we leave in 3" he kissed me and left to change. does he kno what he does to me?? ugh!! but whats the suprise? so many questions. i fall back n our bed and lay there afew minutes.

ok i gotta get ready i get up and change and pack. im still sad cause i dont want the tour to end because i wanna be wirh Austin but im gonna make last while i can. i really do love him.


hey gus how are you? so no hate on Beck she was just someone i thought about. i know im using them both ut Becky has a bi part in the book. i hope yall still read and imma kep pdadting> do you think you know what the suprises? we'll have to see.

He kept his promise??♡ {am}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora