Chapter 22

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"Excuse me? Ma'am ." I was woken up by a flight atendent.

I looked around and seen we had landed. the memory of last night went through my head & I felt my eyes sting.

"Ma'am we have landed you must get of now.." she politely stated.

"Of course. I'm sorry" I wiped a fallen tear and quickly got up.

"Are you alright?" She touched my shoulder & had worry in her eyes.

"Yes I jus... I'm happy to be here." I fake smiled and nodded.

"Oh ok. Well I hope you have a nice stay here." she joyfully smiled and walked away.

"Thank you" I responded while getting my luggage and getting off the plane.

*skip to Johns hotel*

I hope this is the right hotel... Ooh.. breath. wait. Why am I nervous?

*knock knock knock* okay okay...

I hear someone fall and chuckle a little. but stop when the door flys open.

"Laurenn! Your alright!" He pulls me into a right hug and I can feel his heart beat. I hate to say it but I've missed his warm hugs... he always made my problems go away.. Austin hugs me better though....he makes me feel okay. and I know it'll be alright... I miss him..

"Yeah I'm fine" I gave him a weak smile as he pulled away. he wore a white tank top and red gym shorts with shin high socks. his hair was messy but was in one of his flips. ugh still amazing. stfu Laurenn. your still with Austin..

"That was fake." he crossed him arms and did a you-think-I-wouldn't-notice look.

I playfully role my eyes "no it wasn't see"
I did a big grin

He chuckled and pulled me in his hotel. "wait my bag." he turns and picks up my bag. "thanks" I put a stand of hair behind my ear & look down. he nods in response.

"Hey John we- oh hey I didn't know you'd be here so early." a tall man walks out the kitchen, he stuck his hand out for me to shake it.

"Uum hi" I shook his hand "who are you exactly?" I chuckled at the end still confused

"Oh my bad, I'm Justin, Johns cousin." he smiled and I returned one to him.

"Well it's nice to meet you" I said & silent took over the room.

"Uum... We need to talk" I told John as I took his hand. I shivered at his touch.. No... Ugh you whore stop it.

"Alright" he follows me while I still hold his hand.

"No funny buisness" Justin screams through the hall.

"Maybe not" I smack Johns arm and he laughs "I'm just kidding "

"What the hell is wrong with him?" John exclaims fuming from what I told him Austin did.

"I know... but I still love him.. I'm going back in a week." I say messing with my hair.

"Your smarter than that Laurenn.." he sits next to me putting his hand on my thigh. I ignore it.

"But I can't love without him.. I'd loose it. I'd be broken for the two time..." I look at him and he looks sad knowing what I'm talking about. "but I have a chance to fix it this time... & I don't want to ruin it."

"As long as your happy Laurenn." he pauses and sighs. "I love youu...."

He kept his promise??♡ {am}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat