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Laurenn P.oV

After I take a shower I decided to wears long tight navy blue dress with laced blade heels the make up to my schin. I put loose curls in my hair and a heart locket necklace with diamond earings. I don't think I was over dressed since Austin told me to dress nice..if I was I would just change.

Austin was over at Alex's condo so he could help him get ready while Sarah was with me to help me get ready.

"So you really don't think this is to much..maybe different shoes."i asked Sarah while looking at myself in the mirror.

"No Laurenn you look perfect and Alex said Austin was wearing a expensive suit so I think your under dressed." we both laugh. I heard the front door open and Austin scream.

"Laurenn are you ready babe we have t-" he walked in but stopped in his tracks after looking at me..i couldn't but smile. and stare back at him..his hair looked so messy but in a sexy way. he was wearing a black suit with a red tie.(of course) he had in a diamond earring but not to big.

"Ya I-I'm ready." I stuttered but I don't know why.i felt my face get red. he still looked shock and walk over to me taking my hand and spinning me around. I looked art he ground and blushed.

"Laurenn you look amazing..beautiful...i can't even explain it."

I smiled so big I looked like an idiot so I jus smirk and stared into his perfect hazel eyes.

"Ahem" two people cleared thy hoee throats, we turn to see Alexand Sarah standing at the door with their arms crossed. "ok so if y'all are done you better get going because you only have the Plato for three more hours." Alex said while looking at his watch.

"What Plato? Austin what did you do?"i asked Austin while hitting his arm knowing he spent money..

"Don't worry about it babe. jus know that it's gonna be great." he smirked and turned on his heels taking my hand and pulling me with him.

This boy is some work....but he's worth it. I just wonder what he did..

While we walked out the door a small box dropped out of his pocket.it looked like a ring box..he heard it hit the door and picked it up really quick hoping I wouldn't see it I guess.

"I wonder if it's...nah it couldn't be. it's been 2 1/2 months...would he??" My hearted started beating fast and my hand started to sweat.

Oh my gosh...this night was gonna go bye slow. I could tell.

Hey guys how are y'all doing?? Are y'all excited to know what's in the box...or what it's for?? Keeping reading please! I'll update today again if I have time. Maybe in a hour or sum.:)) I'm sorry it's so short but I'm gonna add three more chapters today to make up for it.!! PROMISE!!!!!

He kept his promise??♡ {am}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant