Chapter 26

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"okay everyone Sara and Destiny are with Laurenn keeping her away and they will be here in about 20 minutes! Know remember when it gets close we turn off all the lights and yell surprise when she walks in! Y'all know how that goes." I smiled at everyone as they nodded and just down from the stool.

"Bro this is great! Y'all did a good job!" Tyler complimented "thanks didn't take much just a long time to fix " we laugh.

"Oh I'd like you to meat Grasion, my girl" he pulled her close and she smile and held out her hand

"Hi it's nice to finally meet you I've heard so much about you! I love your music to your a great artist." she smiled and we shook hands.

"Thank you very much I've heard a lot about you too. the pleasure is mine." I smiled and turned to face someone calling my name.

"Austin bro Sara said that they will be here in 5 minutes so position time." Alex said I nodded and turned out all the lights after everyone hid. not even a couple minutes later I see headlights flash through the blinds.


"Do you think he forgot about the forgiveness suprise thing? " I asked the girls as we grabbed our bags from the mall to go inside

"I don't know really. but hey the days not over with yet." Sara smiled and winked. I smiled back and nodded. "yeah I guess your right."

I walk up the steps and into the house. I turn the light switch on and "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURENN!!!" I covered my mouth and fan girled a little. "thank you guys!!"!

I look around and see Austin coming to me. "baby!!! This is the best suprise ever!!" I hugged him and he picked me up in a tight hug. "your welcome babygirl you deserved it. but I have the best thing ever. com over here."

We walked up to a stage and I see his guitar. ooh yay a song!

"Okay so I wrote this for you." he smiled and sat down with his guitar, everyone was watching us. "stand right here. he pulled me into the lighting.

The song I wrote for you it called torture (y'all know the song)

I had tears in my eyes.

"Laurenn you are beauitful, perfect, amazing and the love of my life...what I did was the most stupid and ridiculious thing I have ever done. I will never do anything like that to you again. and to prove it." he put his guitar down and got on one knee. "oh my fuck" I whispered and covered my mouth on the verge of crying.

"Laurenn Marie Vieten, will you become Mrs. Mahone ?"

Yay yay yay!! Lol who guessed it right? Lol left y'all with a clogged hanger!! Lol gonna update tonight! Love y'all!

He kept his promise??♡ {am}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ