ch-18 work study

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I yawned as I entered the common room with Cascade on my head. As soon as I entered, I saw the pervert being held in the air by Dadzawa's scarf. "So you better not do anything like that." he said. "You don't have to be like that, Mr. Aizawa. I want to report on the UA students in their natural state in the dorms." an unfamiliar voice spoke as Cascade got into a defensive position, still on my head. "Mr. Tokuda, I didn't say you could come in yet--" "I was told I could be here from 8 am till 6 pm. It's already time." Mr. Tokuda said as he pointed at his watch. 

Dadzawa let the pervert go as Mr. Tokuda introduced himself. We all bowed but I was still pretty confused. "Hey Kyoka, what's going on? I just came here." I whispered to Earphones. "This person is here to report on how the UA students are living in the dorms and if they are comfortable or something like that." she whispered back. Then Dadzawa told Iida and me to report immediately if there was a problem as the class representative and the class queen respectively. Iida took a pledge about how he will follow what our teacher said while I just said an energy-less 'ok'. 

We all ate our breakfast with the reporter taking some pictures. I still think he is up to something. He even clicked a photo of Soy sauce petting my head.... how embarrassing.... After that, we all got ready for classes, him clicking pictures as we started to leave. (BTW, unlike others, you don't wear a tie in your summer uniform.) Tsu even found a cat that looked like Cascade! The reporter asked questions here and there but we didn't mind.

After classes, it was raining heavily and I forgot an umbrella.... "Y/n-san, why aren't you going to the dorms?" Iida asked. "I forgot my umbrella...." I trailed off. "Ahem, we could share mine if you don't mind." He said while blushing a little. Weird, why would he be blushing? "Sure!" I said with a small smile. His face was as red as Kiri's hair. "Kya! Are you alright?! Do you have a fever?! Let me check." I said frantically as I placed my palm on his forehead, which only made him more red. What I didn't notice, was that the reporter took a picture.... 

"Weird... you don't seem to have a fever yet your face is red...." I said as I retracted my hand. "I-I'm fine. Let's go." He said as we head outside, Cascade on my head. I saw a flash and I knew Mr. Tokuda had taken a picture. I didn't mind though. After reaching the dorms, or should I say my new home, me and Deku went to practice in the courtyard, because I promised I would help him with the move we created. 

While we were practicing, I couldn't help but feel as if we were being watched or something. We saw All might coming our way. "All might." we both greeted. "So, what's up?" I asked as he stood under the roof beside us. He explained how he got free meat-buns and told us to share them with the class. Then Deku complimented All might and the older put his hands on our shoulders. 

"Next, it's both of yours turns, I'll train you both hard again starting tomorrow, okay?" All might asked. "Please do!" both of us chimed in unison. Then he went back home as Mr. Tokuda came beside us. "You both are working hard, training on your own before dinner, too?" he asked. I hummed as Deku stuttered out an answer. "Something smells good." he said as he sniffed the air. "They're meat-buns, would you like one?" Deku asked. "Yes please." We sat down as Mr. Tokuda ate the meat-bun, talking happily.

"You're a fan of All might too?" I asked. Mr. Tokuda then explained why he was a fan then about how shocked he was at the number 1 hero's retirement. "Midoriya, Todoroki." he spoke as we looked at him. He showed us a picture of All might placing his hands on our shoulders. "There is hope. Next, it's both of yours turns." he said as Deku frantically asked that he doesn't have a camera yet he has a printed out picture.

-I bet his quirk is related to cameras- I thought. "I thought my quirk was only good for taking snapshots on vacations." Mr. Tokuda said as camera lenses came out of his palm, then forearm the legs as he explained his quirk. "I knew it." I whispered to myself. He then explained how he knew we both were All might's successors and I was beyond shocked. 

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